Surprise Visit

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A/N: How Kimiko looks, little reminder.

Midoriya turns his head looking to see who is behind him "Hey who" He turns his head to see "Kimiko? What are you doing here "Her face frowns I mean I'm happy your here but surprised. "Yeah you spoke about the festival before, I thought I would swing by."

Midoriya raises a eyebrow "Swing by huh? You mean sneak in." He said with a smile she shrugs Same thing." She looks to see Eri clutching Midoriya's leg She crouches down "Who's this?"

Midoriya places his hand on Eri's head "This is Eri. Eri this is Kimiko." She looks back to Eri "Hey it's nice to meet you." She looks at her confused "Hi are you a friend of Izuku." She looks up at Izuku and smiles "Yeah I guess I am. Hey I know I have something. Here." She hands her some popping candy

Eri smiles "Wow it's like fireworks in my mouth!"

Mirio jumps in "You can join us if you want were going to the beauty pageant next."

Kimiko thinks for a second "I shouldn't I only came to see Izuku's performance but I only caught a little though I-"

Eri grabs her leg "You should come!" She grabs her hand and drags her along Kimiko caves in "Well okay only for a bit."

Midoriya turns to her *I'm surprised Eri doesn't usually trust people so easily, I wonder why she trusts Kimiko.* As he is thinking he sees Eri and Kimiko hold hands, as the pageant starts they see dazzling displays from other students once it's over they start to walk. Kimiko looks down to Eri That was amazing, I wish my school did stuff like this." Eri nods as she looks to her "Yeah it was amazing! I hope the blue haired girl wins."

Kimiko looks at her phoen to check the time "I think I'm gonna go."

Midoriya looks to her a little sad that she wants to leave " You don't have to." Kimiko realeses her hand from Eri's grip "It's fine really this is for your school, enjoy it with your class. I'll call you later." She places a kiss on his cheek and bends down to Eri.

"I got to go." Eri looks at her with a saddened face "You are leaving already." Kimiko nods "Yeah next time I will bring something else. Eri face brightens "Okay!" Once she leaves they enjoy the rest of the festival and soon it's time for Eri to leave.

Midoriya stops Eri "Hey Eri I got you something "He gives her a candy apple

Togata looks at him shocked "I looked everywhere for one, no one was selling it where did you get it."

Midoriya looks up to Togata "I heard about that so I Made it, is it good." Eri smiles as she takes another bite "Yeah really good! Thanks today was really fun. When I see you next can you bring Kimiko."

Midoriya smiles back at her "You really like her huh." She nods "Yeah she is happy when your around and I like her. Her eyes are like mine." Midoriya looks back confused "What do you mean?"

Aizawa comes up to them "It's time to go, you can see her again soon." She waves goodbye to the two of them and Midoriya say's goodbye to Mirio and heads to the dorms.

Midoriya starts to think *Her eyes are like hers what does that mean, I don't know a lot about her now that I think about it I should ask her about it. First I need to figure out this technique Desut was talking about, what did he say making my presence disappear I should make some notes about it help me break it down.* While this is happening the new hero ranking ceremony happens, to reveal the new rankings of the current heroes. Midoriya catches it on TV while he was is reviewing the notes for his training. He sees Endeavour make number 1 not new news as everyone knew the number 2 would take All Might's place, he looks back to his notebook and continues to walk.

Midoriya looks back at his notes "Well I know how it activates, it's usually when I think my life is in danger and I don't remember anything when it happens I just perceive it as me walking. On top of that it only happens when the person takes his attention away from me." He scratches his head in a fit of anger and tosses his book to the grass, as he does he sees a shadow on the ground as he looks closer he sees the shadow get bigger. He looks up to see Uraraka fall from the air. His face turns to shock but he jumps into the air to catch her, he catches her in his arms and lands on the ground.

Midoriya shakes her slightly "Uraraka? What were you doing!"

Uraraka opens her eyes to see him "Sorry, I was practicing with my quirk I wanted to hold myself in the air for longer. But I didn't plan on me falling to the ground like that. Thanks by the way."

Midoriya smiles at her "Yeah don't worry about it." He takes a closer look at her she is wearing her UA sports uniform and sees her clothes are dirty and she is starting to sweat. He looks back at her "Hey how long have you been at this."

Uraraka looks to the side "Uh? Not long just a couple hours. I left the sports festival early." She say's a little shyly

Midoriya places her on her feet "Why did you leave so early?"

Uraraka looks to the side "I- Uh. Just wasn't. I felt a bit tired. Of the festival I mean so I decided to do some training."

Midoriya doesn't believe her but takes her answer "Oh okay. But uh next time ask me for help if your training. You could have gotten really hurt if you fell without anyone here." she nods "Yeah okay." She slightly shivers due to the cold "Heh I should have brought my jacket."

Midoriya questions to her "You coming inside." she shakes her head "I think I'm gonna stay in for a little bit."

Midoriya: takes off his UA coat and gives it to her "Ok in that case take this. Don't stay out too long you may catch a cold." He says as he walks away reading through his notes. She nods "Y-yeah ok."


Uraraka finishes packing the final box from there concert and passes it to Shoji "I'm going to take a look around the festival. "Asui nods Sure we pretty much done here."

Mina jumps in "I will go with you." She walks around with Mina and they go to some food stalls, until Mina points something out. "Hey is that Midoriya! You should totally go talk to him."

Uraraka looks with a worried face "I don't know? What about you?" Mina shakes her head I don't mind, I was going to head back anyway Uraraka nods "No I'll go with you, there's no point he has probably seen all the stalls anyway and he is with Eri it will be weird if I just go."

Mina agrees "Your right." As she says that she pushes her through the crowd she stops as she sees Midoriya and a girl she sees the girl talking to Deku and sees her wrap her arm around his as they walk. She ends up going back to UA and decides to train to take her mind off everything.


As he leaves she sits back down on the grass and wraps his jacket around her, she breathes out a sigh. 

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