Number 5 Hero

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A/N: I was thinking of changing the writing style depending how this chapter goes and what you guys think I may keep it.

Midoriya walks down the street on his way to meet Desut for some training in preparation for the training session between class 1A and 1B. He walks into the gym and sees Deust getting knocked down with a powerful kick, Midoriya doesn't hesitate as he pulls a blade from his training bag a throw it at the enemy before the blade makes contact the enemy doges it. As the enemy turns back they see Midoriya getting ready to swing his sword. "Equinox-"

Before Midoriya can land a attack Deust shouts "Stop! She isn't an enemy!" Midoriya stops and takes a real look at the attacker, bunny ears, athletic build and the red eyes. He comes to a realisation "Your the Rabbit hero Mirko!....And I just attacked you, I'm really sorry." He say's bowing "But why were you attacking Deust."

Deust speaks up "She was filling me in on a meeting I missed and asked me to spar" Mirko starts to laugh "And he went down just as easy as last time!" Deust mutters a response as he stands up "Blunt as always."

Midoriya's eyes light up "This is amazing the number 5 hero is known for her close combat attacks and because of her quirk Rabbit her attacks are mostly to do with her legs." Mirko turns to Midoriya "Your attacks weren't too bad, but you rely too much on your weapons."

Midoriya snaps out of his trance "You think so?" Deust speaks up "Why don't you show him one of your moves kids a fast learner, it will give him a basis to make his own move." Mirko huffs in annoyance "Fine I'll show you an easy one. It's called the Luna Fall. I'll use this dummy."

Mirko jumps in the air and swings her foot downwards, driving the target straight into the ground beneath her feet with a mighty kick. Midoirya's eyes light up as he sees the attack unfold "Amazing this is the power of the number 5 hero. Hey this might be a bit of an ask but, can I fight you one on one."

Mirko releases a series of loud laughs "HAHAHA! Kid you wouldn't stand a chance against me." Mirko looks down to Midoriya as her eyes turn dark "I would crush you before you could land an attack." Midoriya stares back at her with cold eyes a crooked smile forms on his face "That sounds like a challenge" A smile forms on Mirko's face as she couldn't tell if he was fearless or just stupid "You know kid I think I'm starting to like, if I had some time, I would accept your offer, but I have hero work to get back to." She says as she leaves the gym.

Deust walks up to Midoriya "You got a death wish kid, she is number 5" Midoriya gives him a nervous smile "Sorry I got carried away I wanted to see the gap between us in a real fight. I have to catch up it seemed like a good way at the time. Hey how come you didn't go to the meeting "

Deust breaths out a sigh "I wasn't really feeling it,(maybe some foreshadowing here) but how about we get back to training you said you made some progress" Midoriya turns his attention to Deust "Oh yeah the move I'm calling it shadow step from what I remember from Toga and from what you told me I broke it down into steps" He opens his notebook Deust looks through his notes a smile grows on his face. "Alright! Let's get to work"

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