Start of a New term

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Midoriya wakes with pain all over his body the effects of Mirko's training, but he is also feeling the benefits attacks from her hurt just a little less. That or he has some nerve damage. Taking that into account he makes a mental note to go see recovery girl before meeting Mirko. He takes a quick glance through his notebook seeing possible moves he can do if he incorperates Mirko's fighting style.

He meets the rest of his class for breakfast when he notices something. "Hey where are Todoroki and Bakugou, now that I think about it I haven't seen them in a while" Waiting for a response he gets blank stares.

Tsu decides to speak up "You do know there with Endeavour for their internship" Midoriya takes a few seconds before thoughts fill his head " They are training with the number one hero while I'm here" He shoves the rest of his breakfast down and leaves to see Recovery girl after a quick visit he changes and meets Mirko at their spot but this time on the ground floow of the building he places his sword down and sees Mirko is already there. "Good your here let's get started, we're doing a little sparing match. Let's see if you can keep up" Mirko shots of the ground creating a small crater in her wake she swings her foot downwards aiming for him with her Luna fall, Manic swiftly doges the attack as she hits the ground Manic swings his leg smashing it into Mirko she takes the attack with minimal damage and grabs hsi leg "Don't hold back Remember your fighting for your life!" with her grip on his leg she throws him into the closest pillar.

"I-if that's what you want, this attack is a work in progress" Manic pulls himself up and disappears behind the pillar before Mirko's ear perk up and Manic is behind her and throws a front axe kick, she pulls out her forearm blocking the attack and kicks him sending him into the ground. She looks at her arm to see a blood trickle down. She looks back to see Manic groan in pain. " We haven't even got started don't tell me your done" He picks himself up "Well this seems a bit harsh I don't get any of my weapons and you're not even holding back"

"Here I thought you didn't have a quirk but apparently you do, it's the power to complain. You don't expect your enemy to go easy on you, do you? There are no time outs in this life it's win or lose. You don't get to fear your opponents. After all it's meaningless to just fight if your not going to win" Manic gives a dry laugh and pulls his m "But what's the point of fighting if I can't win" She walks closer to him "It doesn't matter about the odds as long as don't gove up the possibility of failure will never be zero, now do we continue or will run away."

A smile grows on Manic's face as he pulls the metal mask back to his face "Nah let's keep going I mean as a hero I will get back up as many times as I need to until I win or die trying" He starts to think " The shadow step didn't work because of her ears she heard me, I need to soften my steps move swifter and quieter." Manic ducks behind a pilar using his shadow step he appears behind Mirko and lays attack after attack Mirko continues to react to his technique listening. Manic vanishes over and over attacking again and again until her reactions start to slow. He goes in for another attack, but she doesn't block, and he smashes his leg into her side forcing her back.

While disorientated from the attack Manic runs up and smashes his knee into her jaw, as his knee connects, she grabs his leg and throws him into the ground. Once again, he gets back up ready to fight "Alright I think that will do, that last attack actually hurt you even made me bleed" With that Manc falls to the floor struggling to breathe "W-wh-hat was the point of all this why do y-you want to train me" Her smile falls "To tell you truth I need you to be ready for what's coming we need as many heroes as possible and I don't need a weakling by my side in battle. Now" She picks up his sword and throws it next to him" Let's see what you can do with your weapons

With that the remaining two weeks went by and Internships were over

(During the renaming two weeks of the Internships My Villain academia happens)

Internships ended in a blink of an eye soon enough we were all back at UA Midoriya runs down the halls of UA *I was meant to be there 2 minuets ago changing into my costume took longer then I thought" He enters ground zone beta and sees the rest of his class already training showing off there skills from their work study Mina shows her new acid man, form even Ayoama beam seems to be stronger, Kirishima skin seems to be stronger as he sees him run through a attack from one of the practice bots (same ones used in the entrance exam). What really catches his eye is Todoroki and Bakugou.

Todoroki control over his flames has improved and his flames look stronger, He looks up to see Bakugou flying through through the air destroying the robots his blasts shoot in quick concessions. "Everyone has improved so much, I guess it's my turn" Manic puts some weight on his foot as he takes of his shoe "The weight in my shoes? I completely forgot. Good as time as any to test my new strengh" He pulls up his metal mask covering his mouth and noes as he places the weight of the ground Manic leaps of his feet at amazing speed flying past All Might and the others he smashes his leg into the side of the robots neck breaking through it's metal armour before the robot can react another kick is sent to the same spot breaking the neck of the robot

(Manic's improved suit is more durable with his iron soled shoes increase damage and defence of his attacks plus his training with Mirko has improved his technique and strength.)

Manic doesn't stop as he unsheathes his sword and disappears behind the robot as if he teleported Manic appears next to two other robots cutting through them using his equinox slash. He comes to a stop as he pulls his mask down taking in a breath. The rest of the class watch in amazement of his new strength. Kirishima is first to speak up "Woah that was some crazy strength" Midoriya turns to him as Ida speaks next "That's what training with Number 5 hero will do" Midoriya shakes his head " No it really wasn't that impressive"

"Your shadow step has gotten better too I could barley hear you" Jiro mentions as they surround Midoriya . Todoroki turns to Bakugou "He has really improved he's catching up to us" Bakugou turns his head "Maybe to you! I'm still leap ahead of that nerd! Todoroki looks back to Midoriya "Yeah sure." he say's unconvinced. They all make their way back to the dorms as Uraraka stops Midoriya "What's wrong?" Midoriya asks.

They both enter the main room of the dorms as Kaminari calls "Hey Midoriya your late get over here!" Midoriya goes up to him "What's wrong?" He hands him a knife "I figured you would be good to cut the vegetables with your sword skills and all" Midoriya looks confused "I mean I have never trued it on stuff like this but" Midoriya spins the knife in his hand and slices the vegetables at unbelievable speed "Woah I guess I was right, but it's also kind of creepy" Midoriya's face turns to shock "Seriously!" Once the food is cooked they all sit to celebrate the new term.

Manic pulls his hand to his face as he removes his broken mask as he coughs he feels the weight of the log off his back his body he feels cold but the pain is gone "I need to get up I can't let him win" These are the thoughts running through his head. "I already said you won't be running anymore, I told you I will take One For All!"

A/N: End of season 5. Took way too long to get this posted I'm gonna try to be more consistent with updates probalby once a week I'm trying to put more quality in the writing. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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