Eri's Day Out

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Togata comes into the 1-A dorms and are surprised to see Eri with him. Asui looks surprised "Woah why is Eri here?"

She say's surprised Aizawa interrupts "It was the Nezo idea he wanted her to get used to UA before the festival so she isn't surprised by anything, treat her well." He say's leaving Uraraka comes in "Aw that dress looks great on you." Iida joins introduces himself "Well hello you must be Eri it's very nice to meet you."

Mineta "Hey there, man your going to be a looka aren't ya. "He say's in his usual perverse manor"

Kirishima: Watch it don't be a creep." He say's while she hides behind Togata I was trying to be nice" He says in defence They all look at Eri as she hides behind Togata's leg "Oh she is kind of shy, but hey you guys seen Midoriya I wanted to do the tour with him Eri seems pretty attached to him.

Uraraka pauses to think "I'm pretty sure he said he staying at ho-" Before she can finish her sentance Midoriya comes rushing through the doors "Sorry I'm late my mo- Oh hey Togata oh and Eri is here too." Togata smiles Great timing were giving her a tour you wanna come." He places his bag down as hee responds "Uh sure."

As they start to walk around UA they see classes setting up for the festival they even run into 1-B and Midoriya get's threatened by Monoma Eri grips his hand as of reflex Midorya lowers himself to her. "Don't worry he means no harm, there just empty threats. Okay." She nods "I wasn't scared, since you and Lemillion are here.

He looks at her in disbelief "You really mean that." She nods and Togata suggest dropping by Nejiro who is participating in the beauty pageant for the festival.*W-what is going on?* He starts to thinks as he sees Nejiro in a revealing outfit as she was trying out clothes for the pageant.

Midoriya stares at the ground avoiding looking at Nejiro *I really feel like I shouldn't be here* He decides to speak "And you said you lost the pageant 2 years in a row I- uh how?. " He say's keeping his composure as he finally meets his eyeline. "Yeah listen to this you listening. It's the same girl each year." After they visit the support course and run into Mei controlling a robot. "Woah." Togata reacts Midoiya looks at Mei "Hey you got some grease on you, well everywhere." Mei responds as she runs around trying to finish her project "No time to bathe this is our time to shine buyers can get up close and personal with our work, much different from the hero festival." Togata smiles "Some dedication!" before they leave Midoriya thanks Mei "Thanks again for your help before, I owe you if you need a favour big or small just ask." Mei thinks for a second "Got it, I could use you to test out some of my babies."

They leave just as her robot blows up and take a break for lunch. Togata looks down to Eri "So how do you like our school, Eri." She thinks for a second "It's okay, but I see how much work everyone is doing so I want to see how it all turns out."

"I'm glad our visitor is enjoying herself." Midoriya turns to see Midnight "Ms Midnight?"

"Just checking in, you should know that Principle Nezu pushed hard for this event to go through because of recent events if you hear a alarm even a practice one the festival will close. But don't worry we are doubled up security and even let hound dog off his leash.

Midoriya nods "That's good. Nothing can ruin this" but before she leaves "Oh Midoriya All Might asked to speak to you."

Midoriya looks confused "Oh okay, I guess I'm gonna have to head off early, I will see you at the festival Eri." She looks at him questioning if he is telling the truth "I promise, I'll see you later" she finally lets go of his hand " Yeah okay bye." Midoriya walks down the corridor of UA thinking *It was only a matter of time before All Might asked to talk to me. You could say I saw this coming* He enters the office and All Might asks him to sit down. "You wanted to see me, may I ask what this is about." He say's obviously playing dumb

All Might immediately starts to scold Midoriya "What you did was incredibly reckless on top of that you dissobayed m-" Midoriya cuts in with a calm voice "Sorry to tell you sir but I have no idea what your talking about." Choosing to stick with this act All Might quickly catches on "I see what you are doing, but I am no means a idiot."

Midoriya merely shrugs as he says "Sorry All Might but you will have to be a little more specific I-" All Might sigs as he sits back down "I see there is no getting to you so you may leave "He say's as Midoriya stands to leave", but what I told you to do was for your safety."

He finally stops and Midoriya starts to speak "Let's say I do know what your talking about hypothetically but that wasn't for my safety, this whole time you have been trying to push me into a corner to get me to inherit One For All and since I said no you tell me not to go on a mission for my work study. All this time you have been holding me back, All Might sighs in frustration "I may have been blunt the first time but I only say this now to help you, without a quirk you will most likely die if you go up against another villain like Overhaul.

Midoriya isn't phased by his words as he says "If I do die so be it, at least I know I got to where I got with my own strength and not borrowed power. But you know since I still have no idea what your talking about, I should go it's the end of the school day." He say's getting up and leaving

All Might watches him think as he leaves *What will I do with you, but I must say I do admire your determination such a strong will he would have been a perfect successor* Midoriya makes his way back the dorms he picks up a package that he ordered and took it to his room.*Oh finally it's here new phone, can't believe I was so carless to break it I guess that's what happens when you take it to a villain fight.*

After he sets it up he puts his old sim card in and sees a lot of missed calls and messages from Kimiko. "She probably is worried its been two days and I haven't even visited her to be fair I have been busy, well no time like the present." He get's up and get's his coat and get's ready to leave when his window is slightly opened he notices this and immediately takes action, he spins on his heel and get's ready to throw a punch when he sees. "Kimik-" He doesn't get to finish before he sees a punch fly his way he catches her fist before it hits his face "H-hey. She say's a little shocked "Hey" He responds. 

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