Manic and Mirko

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Mirko scans the Nomu's in front of her and takes a quick glance at Manic's, Mirko taps Manic "Switch sides with me quick" They both switch positions Mirko facing off against Manic's Nomu's and Manic facing hers. Manic questions hers "What was that about?" She smirks "Yours look stronger, and you have more no way you can handle them leave them to me." Manic doesn't question her as she shoots of in her direction heading for the Nomu's.

Manic stares down his two opponents he starts to analyse them one looks pretty big maybe a strength quirk the other has white hair. He reaches behind him for his sword as he unsheathes his blade he pulls up his metal mask " I'm not gonna be a burden for her, so I'm going to kill you both" Manic runs heading for the big one first the Nomu swings his arm but Manic leaps over it running up it's arm suddenly a white vine crashes into Manic shooting him through a empty glass canister the lager Nomu walks towards the canister and finds nothing "Where... is... the.. hero" using his shadow step Manic vanishes.

The Nomu's search for Manic as drops of blood drips to the ground the large Nomu looks up as Manic is hanging from the roof with his grappling hook suddenly the hook is released as Manic drops from the roof and as he falls to the Nomu tries to block the incoming attack but he is too late Manic stabs his sword into the head of the Nomu dragging down with his decent as Manic touches the ground blood sprays out of the Nomu as his skin splits open, as the Nomu's body drops to the ground. Manic whips his sword as the purple blood on his sword splatters across the ground, the blood of the Nomu drips from Manic's suit as the second Nomu starts to run at Manic. The white vine shoots from it's head as Manic uses his sword to block the attack the Nomu crashes it's leg into Manic sending him flying across the lab heading for the wall.

Manic is quick to shoot his grappling hook to the roof before he can hit the wall Manic clings to the metal scaffolding hiding behind it holding his side as the pain spreads through his body. Manic uses this time to glance at Mirko he sees her arm has been damaged by one of the Nomu's and one dead with it's head crushed "So the head looks like the weak spot, these Nomu's aren't idiots it will see a attack from above comi-" As Manic say's that he sees white vines attacks the roof 

"It know I'm up here it's only a matter of time before it hits me have to think quick I need a strong attack to the head but I can't get close with it's quirk" Manic places his sword in his mouth as he reaches for a blade suddenly the metal comes loose as falls he lands on top of one of the glass canisters due to the impact Manic's sword falls from his mouth falling to the ground behind the Nomu.

Manic jumps down to the ground running avoiding the attacks from Nomu, Manic rips a peice of his costume off as he wraps something round his throwing blade. The white vine follows Manic homing in on him he slides through the Nomu's legs grabbing his sword and slices the white vine, as the vine retracts Manic grabs onto it as it goes back to the Nomu's head Manic stabs his blade into the Nomu's head and leaps off. 

A beeping sound suddenly rings from it's head as the Nomu tries the grab it but it's too late, the Nomu's head explodes as it's body drops to the ground. Manic breaths heavily as he puts his sword back in it's case and walks to pick up the blade that was in the Nomu's head and places it in the knife holster on his thigh.

Context: Forgot to mention earlier he added a knife holster to his leg to make it easier to grab his throwing blades.

Manic looks up to see Mirko and her enemy's gone he starts to run to the main area of the lab to see the other heroes Mr Aizawa, Endevour, Crust fighting other Nomu's and Mirko smashing her foot into the canister containing Shigaraki with her Luna Arc attack. Manic watches as the glass starts to shatter. 

The Nomu attacking Mirko throws her into Endeavour as the impact shoots them over Manic's head iinto the room Manic was just in, Manic runs to where they fell as he looks to see Mirko bleeding fromher leg and her arm crushed "How is she" Manic asks Endevour "She isn't looking too good, you need to get her out of here, there is a medical team where the UA students are doing the evacuation" He hands him Mirko and activates his flames flying back into the fight.

Manic runs with Mirko on his back he runs back into the main lab as his eyes see the exit he sees Shigaraki fall from the canister to the ground "Did Mirko realising him early have a bad effect" Before he can think any more a Nomu shoots some sort of white prijectile at him but before it can hit Crust creates a shield blocking it "GO!" Manic doesn't hesitate and runs, he keeps runing until he appears back at the entrance of the empty hospital, he runs out the doors of hospital and climbs onto his Motorbike.

Context: If heroes have a provisional licence they are allowed to learn to drive any vehicle as long as they pass. Midoriya took a intensive course while training with Mirko.

Within 2 minutes Manic makes his way to the evacuation site, he carries Mirko over to a ambulance as the paramedics take her, he removes his mask as he wipes the blood from his mouth. A couple paramedics try to take a look at him but he refuses " No it's not that bad, there are others who are hurt worse" Manic stands to his feet deciding to help with the evacuation, unknown to him the hospital starts to crumble as everything collapses, as he wakes.   

The next chapter will be the chapter that I left on from the last book. This is for those who were caught up to Book 1 before I unpublished the chapters.

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