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It always hurts.


It's killing me,

        And I don't know why

I wanna be normal

I wanna be happy

I wanna be something

I wanna be someone

I wanna be hers...

Why does this feel like this?

Why does everything hurt


Why can't I talk to you...

Why am I closing back up

I feel so out of control.

        God I dont even know who the hell I am anymore

I just wanna curl in a ball and scream and wait for God to take my soul 

Why does everything have to come down at once?


Why do I feel this way...

Why? Why did I cut? After so fucking long why did I crack???

Help me please.

Why wont you just help me?

Why can't you see that I'm dying?

Why can't you take me? 

Answer those goddamn prayers and take me from my pain,

       Take me

       Save me

       Help me...

Why does it always hurt

Every fucking day why do I feel this?

Who am i?

What happened...

Why am I so stupid...

What is going on?

Just take me from my misery.


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