Thank you. Honestly. To everyone. Goodbye <3

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Life, is such a silly thing.

Death. Has all the answers :)

So here I am.

Faced with the choice.

To stay miserable.

Or cave into the darkness and take my wings.

Leaving this awful place.

And I'm ready.

People say "But you haven't even lived yet.

But the truth is.

I have.

I have lived everyday.

Done exactly what I wanted.

And now. Now I'm done.

I feel complete.

And totally fine with my decision.

I know Ivori won't read this until it's too late, and I really don't care :)

Katie, you know that I love you. Thank you baby, for trying to stop me. I think it's adorable that you remembered after all this time I want-ted... To get married in my converse. I love you. True love has no boundaries. You taught me that. And for that. I'll never leave you. Death can't take love away from you. I promise you that.

Ivori... I- I really... Don't know what to say to you...

I want my mom to know. This wasn't her fault. I got away from her. And I was happy. She was broken. And I want to apologize for not coming down for the holidays to see you one last time...

I want my dad to know. I still love him. And that I'm sorry I couldn't be strong enough for him...

To everyone at school that bullied me. Know that I thank you. For making me stronger.

Katie... I can't thank you enough. For always being there. And knowing exactly what to say. This is just the last time I'll need you.

Thank you to everyone. Who ever told me that I was worth something. Because of you. I made it to be 15.

Thank you to everyone who knocked down my every hopes and dreams. You showed me the reality of the world.

Thank you everyone.

You all made me who I am today.

Good and bad.

And I deeply appreciate all that you've done.

And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

But, now it's time for me to go. I enjoyed my stay. I really did. Thank you for everything.

Have a nice life :)

----Love <\3

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