Missing You

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  • Dedicated to The Most Beatiful Girl I Know: Ivori <3

Missing you

To say that I miss you would be an understatement.

I miss you, yes.

But I need you.

I crave for you touch and for your sweet taste.

I can almost feel you.

Your hands twisted into mine.

You breath on my cheek.

Yes I miss you.

But not as much as I want you.

Tuesday can't come fast enough.

I just wanna see you.

To hold you.

To rub my nose on yours and to whisper I love you in your ear just so I can kiss you right after.

I miss your face babe :)

Laying in this bed is killing me. Being here without you.

I want you.

I'm not sure what has made is so bad... I feel obsessed... But all I really want is you.

To tell me it's ok.

To make it all better and snap me back to reality.

But your sleeping now and I would never want to wake you just to bother you with my nonsense.

I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything is ok.

I'll get better.

And that your always here for me.

I want to call you... To talk to you. Just the sound if your voice helps so much.

But I can't.

I have to do this on my own and I'm okay with that.

I know I can't always have you.

Or be with you.

Your not always gonna be right there when i need you.

And I can do this on my own sometimes.

All I really want to do us prove to you how strong I am.

Show you all the improvements I'm making.

Let you know how much you really mean to me.

Show you that somehow someway. Me and you. We'll destroy these voices and get rid of all the bad that lurks around me.

It may be a very uneasy task but we will. I know we will. I believe in us.

I know we don't want things to change. We don't want to hurt each other and we want this to last a long time, and I pray that it does. Cause honestly babe... I have no idea what I would do without you. I need you. Without you I would be dead. Literally.

Your one of my main reasons to live.

Just so I can put that sweet smile of your face.

I love that.

I love you.

Everything about you.

It may have scared me shitless to tell you how I felt, But I'm so glad I did.

The voices may hate you because you make me happy and you make them shut up.

I wouldn't take anything back for the world.

I'm so glad your mine :)

Because I'm the luckiest girl on this planet.

To have the most beautiful girl to call my own.

To hold and to love.

Cause that's all we really need.

A little bit of love and someone to give us a reality check every once in a while (or every night)

Someone to understand and to care about us no matter our flaws.

Because your flaws are even more beautiful then our perfections.

You have to have The bad to see the good.

And I love you. For everything you do.

You say.

And just for being you :)

I love you babe, more then anything this world has to offer.

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