Death in all its beauty

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You look it in the eyes and it peers down into your soul.

Blackening it instantly.

So don't look too quick. Take your time and live life in the sunlight. Not in the shadows.


It's a powerful thing.

It really is.

It haunts you everyday.

Fallows you at your heels trying to attack you.

It lurks in the shadows and around every corner.


It's worst enemy.

It stops it.

Shielding us from its ugly destiny.

But one day. Death will outsmart life. And death will win.


It whispers in your ear.

"Come with me, I can take you into a dark mysterious wonderland of painful bliss."





Pulling at your feet when your already down. Knowing one day it will win and it will collect its next victim.

Death cares about no one. Remembers nothing. Once it takes over your mind, nothing can save you.

Unless your as pure as Ivori.

But when you don't have your diamond. To keep you afloat in this warm thick dark sea. It's hard not to let the swarming sharks just drag you under.


In a deadly sea. Waiting. For someone to pass by and offer to help me out.

Waiting. But it takes forever. I can't wait much longer. My bones are getting heavier, my waist is getting smaller.

My head is swelling with your words and how much I hate to love you sometimes.

My feet must have bricks in them because its never hurt so much to walk.

But it's never felt so good to run.


I want nothing more then to see your smile. But I want to be the reason for it.

I'm sorry I couldn't be everything you wanted babe... You were everything I've ever dreamed of. Disguised as my best friend.

I didn't mean to tell you how I felt honestly.

And I don't think you told me exactly what you meant.

I wish more then anything. That I could just talk to you...

But that's not an option anymore...

I'm sorry Ivori. I really am.

I don't mean to let you down.

But the blood and the pills... Have never been this shade of absolutely beautiful.

---Love <3

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