Just two minutes of your time

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I haven't done one of these for a while... so excuse me if I get a little off topic. 

You keep on vanishing.

You never give me a reason, you never leave with warning.

It's like one night you tell me you love me, and the next morning it's as if you didn't exist. 

My love towards you and your soul is so pure and so strong, but it's so hard to love something that isn't there. 

You never say goodbye.

You leave at all the worst times. 

I don't want to grow without you. 

So much changes in these passing days. 

And I want to share them with you.

I don't want to go without you.

And grow apart from your warm words. 

You help me keep my feet on the ground.

I need you. I always have. 

My words don't have much meaning anymore though... at least not to me... 

I need to vent so fucking bad about my mistake. I need someone to just listen to me for just a second before I go off the deep end. 

It's so fucking hard for me to get back on my feet after a cut. I don't want to go back down that road. Please just listen to me. Don't judge me. Listen to me and understand my reasoning and comprehend why I want to die so much. Why I cant live anymore knowing what I know. 

I just want out.

I just want a hug.

I just want someone I can talk to... 

Someone who will just fucking listen and understand for two minutes. That's seriously all I need. 

Two fucking minutes... 

I just really need to get all of this off my chest so I can breathe. I just want someone to help me understand why the hell I feel like this... 


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