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Distance between two lovers. Is not measured by sure short miles. But by days.

The longer your apart. No matter how many miles. The more distant you grow.

Without even noticing.

You start to forget.

The little things.

That made her smile.

The way she laughs when shes nervous.

How her hair framed her face too perfectly.

You forget.

She becomes almost like a stranger.

Like someone you don't even know that happens to have your number.

When the words "I love you" are cold and meaningless.

When you base your entire day around a phone call that might not ever come.

When you start to loose faith. And start to feel nothing.

When moving on seems like your only option but it seems to hard to even think about it that you break down and you stop living.

When she's the only person you wanna be with but you can't have her.

You just can't.

The annoying reminder when you can physically feel their touch but they're no where to be seen.

You crave their presence.

Beg to hear their voice.

But your too blind too see they are going through the same thing.

Only at a faster pace.

And theyve already moved on.

And they don't need you like you need them.

This is where the actually distance of miles kicks in.

Then it's real.

Then it's not only how far apart you've grown. But now you realize the chances of you seeing that person are slim to none


It's a scary thought really...

The thought of being so far away from you.

And growing in different directions.

Funny though. That we still seem to meet in the middle. And we still love each other.

Because love is unconditional right? No.

You never fall out of love. You find new or different ways of loving someone less when you grow apart.

But... Distance. It can kill love off completely.

To the state of no return. Where it can't be saved.

Like a rose. Approaching death.

It's gone. To a point of no return. And nothing can revive it.

Good bye my love...

---Love </3

My Silenced CriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora