My Last Wish - Suicide Letter

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My last wish is for you all know that each and everyone of you mean something huge to me. 

I'll keep this short and sweet but... 

I'm really over this, all of it it's too much. 

I need my baby boy back. He was always so warm and he held me so close. 

I need him and I need to leave this awful place.

I'm really sorry to anyone that I hurt, it was never my intentions. I only wanted to help as many people as I could while I was here. 

But I forgot how to help myself. 

I hope that my best friend sees this and knows just how much it meant to me that she came and talked to me on my first day at that new school. 

I want the kid in math to know that even though you had a huge crush on me and I pretended not to know. I knew. And yes I thought your hair cut looked good on you. 

I want all of my new friends to know that you're all really great people, and if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have made it through the shit that has been going on. 

But the shits becoming to much. And I just don't see any reason to keep going on anymore. 

I want Katie to know just how much I love her and I want to thank her for everything.

Lola you've always been there for me. And you are one amazing human being, please for the love of God don't ever give up.

Tom, even though I just met you I have a whole knew respect for you and I think you have such great potential. You are going to seriously change the world someday I have not even the slightest doubts in you. 

To all of my family members I've written personal letters to you which you will find in a jar behind my dresser. Any ones that are addressed to other friends from my past can be burned. 

There are so many other people I want to say I love you to but I can't think of names right now so here is one to everyone. 

_________, thank you for always being there for me and having my back through everything. You were always here to support me in me writing and you trusted me with your problems. If I was lucky enough to talk to you and get to know your personally I want you to know that I did form a love for you. Each and every one of you guys hold a very special place in my heart and you will always be my friends. 

But now it's my time to go. To back by his side in the sky. Fuckin with the angels until we die again. 

-Haylie "Love" Albrecht 11-28-97 / 11-10-13

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