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Being numb...

Where the bad news doesn't hurt.

The good news doesn't mean anything to you.

Cause your too blank to care.

When you get to the point where all you want to do is lay in bed.

You can't eat.

You can't care.

You can't think.

You can't even find the ambition to get up.

All you want to do is down a pill bottle and cut yourself to shreds.

But you can't even do that much.

It's being dead inside.

Which is a lot worse then being really dead.

You see when you are dead, no one can hurt you. Nothing can break you, nothing can build you up, no blankets are ripped away from you, you're just gone.

You're nothing and you are soon forgotten.

Sure everyone will be sad if you died. But if shoot yourself in the head, hang yourself, over dose, get hit by a bus, were murdered in the street, or accidentally drown in a pool, everyone will be sad for a little bit.

So is suicide really that bad?

Does it really hurt worse?

Either way you morn and get over it, you move on. You have to.

So why not get it over with now? And quickly?

Instead of sitting in a hospital waiting for you last breaths, wouldn't it be harder to watch a loved one sit in a hospital bed holding on to nothing as they die painfully and slowly.

I've always said, when I die. I want to be shot. In the chest. It's quick and painless.

Wether I'm old or young well that's for fate to decided, but everything happens for a reason.

If I were to kill myself tonight, then you would be okay. You would move on, wether you want to accept that or not, your too scared to kill yourself.

I may be your only reason to live but trust me babe... you will find a new one.

But remember, when I'm ready, I will leave you.

Who's to say when that will be?

But when I feel good about it, I'll leave.

But also remember this, everything happens for a reason.

We may not see that reason right away, it may take a few weeks or months, even years. But there is always a reason.

If you love something... let it go.


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