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This is fucking bullshit.

To say the least.

I haven't felt so low in so long.

I'm just numb and shaky and I feel like cutting.

My fucking wrists are burning they want it so bad.

And why?

Well shit. Probably because I'm... Having a bad day.


That's why.

No that's not fucking why. God why does this hurt do bad.

I just wanna stab something.

Preferably myself.

I'm just.


And hurt.

And angry.

And pissed.

And I seriously just hate every once of myself I could hate right now.

I can't breathe.

The anxiety is taking over and i just wanna cut.

I wanna cut.

That's all I can think about.

Is cutting.

That's it.

So long. Almost 200 days. So fucking close.

Don't break.

Don't snap Love you're better then that.

Please stay stron-

Fucking screw this.

Katie. Come back.

Please I need you.

I need you

I need you now.


I have no one.

No one I'm fucking alone because I'm an idiot. I just want someone to call me and tell me a story.

A story that I'll fall asleep to and then be okay.

Like Solo would do.

Please Katie please talk to me. Please.

Someone. Anyone.

I don't even care right now I just need someone to talk me up from this.

Pills pills pills

How beautiful.


Fuck why am I thinking this.

Help me.

Please. This isn't okay anymore. It's taking me over. I'm dying and losing this fight.

Fuck I thought I could do this alone.

Gahhh tomorrow where are you. Why can't you be here.

Save me from this darkness. It's eating me.

Swallowing me whole.

And now.

I'm just gone..

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