Cold chills

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I have always been the person who relied on music for everything. 

Whether it was relaxing or getting pumped up I always turned to music to help my mood. 

But recently... I've been connecting with lyrics too much... 

I'm at the point that I cna't listen to a song without just... breaking.

Without just crying so hard from memories... 

I think I got abandoned all too quickly... 

I lost everything over night it seems and... it becomes more real to em every waking day. 

But this song... this one... it killed me. 

I think it relates to almost everyone I ever lost. 

Bucket... God I still love you. But get some sleep love, because one day I'll be back in your arms 

Ivori... I want to love you... but if it's not right then what can I do?

Maybe in some other life time or somewhere down the road we might meet up at the right time... 

Katie. Everything will be alright. 

Ivori... I wish we could pretend to be as happy as we used to be.

Myself... life is too short. Try and hold it all together.

Candy... you can walk away but you wont find nothin better. 

Aron... You're always gone... but what else can I expect from you... you're just trying to help.

Jade... I swear my intentions aren't as evil as you think

Cold chills blanket me and... I get to the point were I feel paralyzed and like all I can do is lay there and feel empty. 

So take a moment, lay back, listen to the song in the description. 

And see what it does to you. 

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