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(Short chapter lol, not doing alright mentally at the moment so I'm sorry but this is all I can cook up T-T Longer updates will come in the future though, I promise!)

Sinking. Fear and an odd sense of tranquility overflow the senses, makes reality seem unreal, and your mind is miles away from your body. Looking at yourself from an audience, seeing through a screen surrounded in black; limited light. Faint whispers whirl, and you feel as if you are spinning. Somehow though, everything is still. A numbness in reaction to the cold surrounding your flesh, creating sparks in the bloodstream. Cool pavement nips and sticks to the skin, soon to leave marks. Speaking in echoes to no-one, hearing another person's voice in place of yours. Scars bleeding through a ragged shirt, sting as they touch the walls. Drops of red freezing as they hit the ground. Painful, but there is no pain. There is only the ocean, allowing you to sink into it's comforting darkness. Fleeing a world that wishes you never came to be. 

Hiding in the mind of another.

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