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"Don't wish it were easier. Wish you were better." — Jim Rohn 

Kira Yoshikage is a very hard-working man. He values his job, and does it to the best of his ability. Although, this morning he felt significantly groggy, barely able to push himself out of bed. Perhaps an effect from the events of the day before, he felt a lingering soreness in his legs. 

His schedule resumed as usual despite this, though slightly rushed. He made himself breakfast, which consisted of two slices of toast, and some perfectly cooked eggs. After he ate, he went to get dressed in his regular business attire, a basic black suit, and a solid white colored shirt. Of course, he had to pair it with his favorite tie, dark purple with cat-like skulls all over it.

Walking out of the house, he grabbed an umbrella, as well as a raincoat just in case. The weather had been quite unpredictable lately, so you never knew when it was going to rain. At the moment, the sky was clear, so he decided to walk to work instead of taking a car.

He used to take walks around the city, but hadn't had the time as of late. It felt good to get out of the house. Kira stopped in front of his favorite sandwich shop. Maybe he could get one early, that way he wouldn't have to worry about his favorite sandwich being sold out at lunchtime. He walked inside, being greeted by a nice waitress. Her hands were, not his type.. In fact, she was missing a finger. He recalled her telling a story of how she lost it, something about an accident in a factory she used to work at. He didn't remember that much, nor did he care. 

Kira made his way to the counter, gazing over the freshly made sandwiches. They hadn't made his favorite one yet, so he would have to stay a bit longer until they did.

"Hey, need any help?"

Kira looked for the voice, locking eyes with a young looking cashier. He was tall (perhaps 5'10? much larger than Kira, even so) blue-eyed, and had such a strange haircut. Who even wore pompadours nowadays? His nametag read 'Higashikata Josuke', which seemed to match him well in Kira's opinion. 

Kira regained his composure, deciding he could simply place an order and leave.

"Yes, actually.." Kira began. "Could I place an order, Mr. Higashikata?"

"Of course, but please just call me Josuke, if you don't mind."

Josuke gave a warm smile, that of which Kira didn't return. To be frank, it pissed him off a bit.

"Josuke then, I'd like a Cuban sandwich made, preferably within the hour."

Kira glanced at his watch, insinuating that Josuke could make him late for work. 

"Alright! I'll get that all ready for you, might be a little bit though."

Josuke disappeared behind a door, smiling. Kira went ahead and sat down, accepting the fact he would most likely be late. Thus was the problem with hiring young people, they took their time with everything and didn't have much experience. Unprofessional. But unfortunately, nowadays they hired younger and younger people. 

Some time passed, 10-15 minutes at most (too long in Kira's opinion), and Josuke reappeared from behind the counter. Kira stood up from his chair and approached the counter once more. 

Josuke handed over the sandwich bag to Kira, once again flashing a smile that made Kira want to punch him.

"Here you go, that'll be 10¢."

Kira took the bag, rustling through his pocket to pick out some coins.

"Thank you."

Kira set the coins onto the counter, then paused, glaring at Josuke.

"Near the top, your shirt is unbuttoned. Perhaps you should fix that?"

Josuke felt at his collar, almost looking nervous. Good, at least he wasn't smiling anymore.

"Oh! You're right haha! Let me get that."

As if he was being mocked, Josuke's smile returned as he buttoned his collar. Kira took this chance to leave, no longer wishing to interact with him. 

Kira swiftly exited the building, gripping his sandwich bag rather tight. He felt exhausted already, and he hadn't even began working. At least he was out of the shop though. He checked his watch, 9:15. He was definitely late now. 

He began his walk, but midway through sped up until he was basically sprinting to get there. He cursed at himself for making the detour, he cursed the cashier, and most of all he cursed Diavolo for the pain in his legs and back. 

When Kira finally arrived at work, it was a little past 9:30. As he approached his office, he was practically gasping for air, seeing as though nobody was inside. The thought crossed his mind, 'Did I come in on an off day?' but then his worries were immediately lifted, as he saw one of coworkers walk into the room with a box. A sense of relief washed over him in an awesome wave. He clocked in immediately after, checking the board that had his daily responsibilities written on it. 

Today, he had to restock the canned vegetables, then place them on the corresponding shelves, the same with soft drinks. Simple work. Although, it could be quite unpredictable at times. The store runs out of Coca-Cola very quickly, so at times he would need to restock them as quickly as he could. Kira sighed as he walked to the storage area, and was soon confronted by a monster. A stack of boxes, taller than him, all labeled 'canned vegetables'. 

A co-worker passed by him, that of whom he forgot the name of.

"Gee, you've really got your work cut out for ya today, huh Kira? What happened to ya neck by the way? Is that a bruise?"

Kira took a deep breath, it was going to be a long day.

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