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"As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge." - Henry Van Dyke

"Mr. Kira, welcome back. The usual, I presume?"

"Yes, thank you." He shuffled through his wallet, sorting through a few different types of bills before he found the right one.

"Of course sir, your sandwich will be ready momentarily." The boy working the counter was always very professional and straightforward. Kira appreciated that, avoiding idle chatter with strangers was ideal.

He sat down next to a window. Sunlight worked wonders for his skin, sitting inside most of the time made him look sickly, which is always unpleasant.

His food arrived quickly. It was a simple sandwich with pork, cheese, and lettuce, accompanied with the establishment's specialty sauce. Kira always came here for lunch on Sunday, his day off; it was nice to get out of the house. It was busy inside of the small shop and outside. For many, this day was the only free time they got. Kira didn't really mind, keeping busy was important, he reveled in his work and schedule.

He stared blankly out the window, spotting a few acquaintances going about their daily lives. There was that obnoxious coworker that always chewed aggravatingly loud walking with his presumed daughter across the sidewalk. The coworker passed by a woman, maybe in her late 30s, that Kira spotted working in a grocery store a few days prior to this. Her hands were immaculate. There was-


How intriguing.

A pair of detectives, the same ones that had been attempting to solve the case that he was obviously responsible for.

As far as he could tell, no one had suspected a single person to be responsible for all the missing persons, yet these two had been attempting to link them together for years. It was in vain of course, there was no way they could ever discover the true perpetrator. However, it wasn't them that were intriguing. No, it was the man they were speaking to. Silvery hair sticking straight up in a peculiar style accompanied by a frankly immodest outfit. Must be some sort of foreigner. Foreigners always seem so bizarre. He thought as he discarded the bag his sandwich had come in. He avoided the detectives and the stranger they were conversing with as he walked out. He didn't particularly fancy talking to them.

His home was close by, there was no need for any fancy transportation at the moment; walking was easiest.

Kira was greeted by his precious cat as he arrived at the door. She was mewling aggressively, no doubt demanding food. It hurt his heart to ignore her pleas, but he knew that feeding her at this time would create an annoying and likely health depleting habit.

He slipped off his shoes and placed them carefully on a shoe rack. Why get mud on the floors if it could be avoided? He never understood the people that wore shoes inside their house.

Kira walked towards his bedroom. There was no work to be done that he could think of at the moment, a nap was the best option. Frankly, he was exhausted.

He collapsed onto the bed with a sigh, not bothering to remove his coat. Kira gazed absentmindedly over to a pillow on the opposite side of the bed, only to be met with mild annoyance. A stupidly long pinkish red hair intruded on the perfect preciseness of his meticulously made bed. How could he have not noticed it before? He would need to wash his sheets later.

Kira had been trying desperately to keep that aspect of his life separate from the rest. But the man seemed to creep up on him when he least expects. May it be a stray hair on a pillow, or an intrusion on his thoughts during an odd quiet moment of the day. It had been a little over two weeks since their first encounter, and three days since their last.

It was an... interesting relationship to say the least. At first, Kira had felt immense guilt and embarrassment at the idea of a sexual relationship with a man, but at this point, he didn't really care. Diavolo did have some of the most beautiful hands he had ever had the honor of seeing, what does it matter if he's a man?

It isn't anything more than an arrangement for mutual pleasure, the man isn't equivalent to one of his girlfriends.

And he never will be.

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