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Xiao Zhan is a light sleeper, with the first beat of his alarm, he immediately jumps out of bed and gasps for air. He groaned as a headache from a bolt of shock sunk into him. He hurriedly turned the alarm off and stretched his limbs.

It's eight in the morning.

With a mild headache, he stood up, set aside the curtains of his room's window and opened the windowsill. He saw Cheng Xiao jumping around with her ponytail swaying side-to-side and only wearing a pair of shorts and a way larger grey t-shirt, probably exercising. He will never understand early birds despite most of his friends being an early bird.

He realized he was spacing out when he saw a pair of eyes looking back at him. He flinched.

The owner of the said eyes smiled and greeted him, "Good morning, Xiao Zhan-ge."

Xiao Zhan blinked a few times as he felt his eyes slowly dropping off due to oversleeping, "Mn. Morning."

Cheng Xiao stopped jumping and smiled, "Do you have a class today?"

Xiao Zhan smiled, "Yeah, I got one this afternoon."

Cheng Xiao nodded, "I have one later at 5:30 in the afternoon."

Xiao Zhan, "Aren't you supposed to rest?"

Cheng Xiao shook her head, her wet bangs sticking on her forehead, "Have to stay fit and healthy."

Xiao Zhan, "Okay, that's good."

Cheng Xiao smiled.

Xiao Zhan, "I have to go now. Need to meet someone."

Cheng Xiao, "Mn? Is it Yibo?"

Why do you care?

Xiao Zhan, "No."

Cheng Xiao, "Mn, okay! Have fun."

Xiao Zhan smiled and turned around, he sighed, Definitely not.

With a white polo shirt and jeans, he got out of his apartment and drove off. Not really driving off, he got no money to buy even a bicycle, he doesn't even know how to ride one, he walked away with earphones on and in low volume.

He went to a nearby library and started his study session alone. He lied to Cheng Xiao. Yes, he is not meeting Wang Yibo but he is not meeting anyone either. An exam will be held on his one major subject later, he should probably have his own time to study for it. It would be hard if he did not pass.

He was in the middle of skimming on his notes and some books he had picked from the shelves when his phone vibrated. He didn't take away his hand from the pages but his eyes went to his phone. It is Wang Yibo.

He grabbed the phone and answered with an almost whisper voice, "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

Xiao Zhan frowned, "Studying. Why?"


Xiao Zhan frowned even more, "Why?"

"I'm at your front door."

Xiao Zhan felt his blood rushing to his head, "What the fuck are you doing there?"

"What else? Visiting you!"

Xiao Zhan inhaled then exhaled, "Do I look like a confined patient? Why the fuck are you visiting me?! It's literally nine in the morning! We just met yesterday."

Xiao Zhan admits, it is good to have a friend who does not live with his parents. He can call Wang Yibo and say he needs help and Wang Yibo will be knocking on his door within five minutes but this is clearly one of the cons. An unexpected guest every now and then.

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