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It has been two days since Xiao Zhan realized how awful he was as a friend to Wang Yibo. Though, he is hesitant with his feelings, he still found himself waiting for Wang Yibo to finish his classes.

He simply sat with his bag lying on his lap, patiently waiting for the younger just like how the younger waited for him to open the door months ago. He also found out he barely fail the exam just yesterday, he doesn't care, he still passed it anyway.

He was busy scrolling through his phone when he felt a presence in front of him. He looked up and tensed up when saw a familiar but unfamiliar woman looking at him while smiling. He realized it was actually Cheng Xiao making him to put his guard down. She asked while putting her side hair behind her ears, "Hi. Are you waiting for Yibo too?"


He noticed how different Cheng Xiao looked from two days ago. He hasn't seen Cheng Xiao for the past few days due to different schedule. He couldn't tell what was new with Cheng Xiao though.

Xiao Zhan closed his phone and smiled, "Mn."

Cheng Xiao, "Can I sit beside you?"

Xiao Zhan nodded, "How are you?"

Cheng Xiao let out a comfortable sigh after sitting, she answered, "Better than before."

Xiao Zhan nodded, "Seems like it. You're glowing."

Cheng Xiao smiled shyly, "You think so? I... Thank you."

Xiao Zhan, "Uh..."

Xiao Zhan paused and just looked at Cheng Xiao. He then noticed what the difference is. Cheng Xiao is wearing a red lipstick and thin eyeliner and some mascara. She also seem to have a haircut and new hairstyle which made her look younger and his features more seen, no wonder she looked almost unrecognizable today.  after he remembered the last time he had talked to Cheng Xiao. He forgot how the girl told him she likes Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan started to feel suffocated once again.

Xiao Zhan, "About what happened before..."

Cheng Xiao looked at him, confused.

Xiao Zhan just looked at her, not having enough face to mention the past topic, waiting for her to remember and directly bring it up.

Cheng Xiao seem to have immediately get what Xiao Zhan is trying to say, "Oh... I did tell him on that exact day."

Xiao Zhan's grip on his phone tighten, his knuckles whitened.

Cheng Xiao continued, "He said he doesn't have any feelings for me."

His ears perked up. Yes--

But she continued once again, "But then just yesterday, he texted me and said he is willing to try things out."

Xiao Zhan froze. he could clearly hear his heart shatter into pieces. Did he really hear what Cheng Xiao said? Was his ears broken? he doesn't know but his heart does.

A lot of questions start to form inside his head. Didn't Wang Yibo like him? Was Wang Yibo serious about his confession to him? Was it just a prank? If whatever Wang Yibo told him was true, was he that easy to forget? Was he unworthy of being liked?

Cheng Xiao, "Today is our first date but not as a couple? I mean, he hasn't mention anything about relationships so..."

Xiao Zhan looked at Cheng Xiao and asked, "He agreed?"

Cheng Xiao looked at him, confused at Xiao Zhan's quite weird reaction, "That's what I said? I'm sorry, I may have blabbered too much."

If Cheng Xiao is confused, Xiao Zhan is more confused.

Perhaps, Wang Yibo was drunk when Cheng Xiao asked him out?

His inner thoughts came into halt when he heard the voice of the man he has been waiting for.


He looked up and saw Wang Yibo jogging towards him, smiling. He immediately stood from his seat and waved. He did notice how Wang Yibo slowed down and his smiled faded when he saw Cheng Xiao with him.

"Cheng Xiao." He heard Wang Yibo say while walking.

Cheng Xiao smiled and hugged the younger man for a second, "Hey."

Wang Yibo didn't hug Cheng Xiao back but he did let her. His eyes on Xiao Zhan. He asked, his voice full of enthusiasm, "Zhan-ge, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Zhan answered Wang Yibo but not looking directly to Wang Yibo's eyes, "I was thinking of asking you out for dinner... since Lu is not free later."


Xiao Zhan continued, "But Cheng Xiao told me both of you are going on a date."

Wang Yibo almost shout, "You can come with us!"

Xiao Zhan looked at him, Is he serious?

Xiao Zhan felt his blood starting to boil, "No. I'll just eat dinner alone. I can eat without anybody anyway. Have fun with you date though. I hope things work out for you too. Advance, congratulations."

Xiao Zhan couldn't help himself as tears start to form on his eyes. Before it starts to overflow, he immediately turned around and left the scene, leaving Wang Yibo and Cheng Xiao confused.

He is mad. Is that how low Wang Yibo thinks of him? Does he think he can't eat alone, without Wang Yibo?

WRONG! He can and will munch every single edible stuff in the world without Wang Yibo by his side. He is a grown independent man. He doesn't need anybody at all.

It does hurt though.

He couldn't remember the exact date but it was clearly not long when Wang Yibo told him he likes him. How did the man think Xiao Zhan will be fine if he accepted somebody else's feelings? Did he think Xiao Zhan wouldn't feel anything?

He left the campus with swollen eyes and runny nose, some students are looking at him but he doesn't care. The worst thing they could do is either laugh at him or tell Wang Yibo about it.

He went inside the bus that had just arrive and paid. He immediately sat at the back part of the bus and there, he cried silently.

He could feel his heart pounding but he knows his heart is shattering into pieces that would probably take him years to count. He blinked, trying to suppress his tears that continuously flowing. He wants to call his mom and tell her how confused and hurt he is feeling. He needs comfort and assurance. He just wanted to feel that somebody actually cares for him because after what happened earlier, he just felt lonely.

He finally decided to not attend classes tomorrow and the next day to visit his parents in Chongqing.

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