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The anticipated arcade bonding of the two took place but was interrupted when Xuan Lu noticed how lethargic Xiao Zhan. She decided to ask Xiao Zhan to eat which Xiao Zhan gladly complied. It only took them an hour and a half before they decided to separate.

They are outside the mall when it suddenly starts to rain. Fortunately, it was a light rain and Xuan Lu had an umbrella. She opened it and asked, "You have an umbrella?"

Xiao Zhan nodded, "Mn."


Xuan Lu nodded, "Okay. I'll go now. Bye."

Xiao Zhan nodded and waved, "Bye."

He waited for Xuan Lu to successfully find a cab before he started to run under the rain. He is happy when he is about to arrive at a shelter nearby when he almost slipped on a pile of stranded rain water when he was held by someone in his arms.

"Shit. Slow down! Are you okay?"

His heart quickened when he realized he was almost about to meet the water with his head. He was manhandled by the stranger to step into the shelter to prevent both of them from getting even more wet. He held the stranger's arms and bowed a few times, "Thank you!"

Xiao Zhan is catching his breath when he looks at the man who 'saved' him.

Oh, how the heavens love to play with him.

He immediately removed his hands on Wang Yibo's arms and stepped backwards, "Sorry."

Wang Yibo smiled, "It's fine."

Xiao Zhan's breath hitched. Stop smiling, idiot.

Wang Yibo lends his hands with an umbrella, "Take it. I think you need this more than I do."

Xiao Zhan looked at the black umbrella, "Are... Are you sure?"

Wang Yibo nodded, "Take it. Just give it to Cheng Xiao if you no longer need it. I'm not in a hurry anyway. I'm with Cho Seungyoun, we can share an umbrella. Don't worry."

Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo and smiled, "Thanks."

Xiao Zhan took a shower after he arrived home. He is currently finding an article on his laptop to continue his journey of finding what he is when he comes across a website. He opened it and it was an, "Aromantic-Asexual Spectrum, huh?"

Since he has nothing to do and is only taking a rest, he started to read the article and while reading, Xiao Zhan was amazed. He didn't know there are tons of "spectrum" he was also amazed how some of them do describe him. He noticed how a lot of them described him which made him write down the unfamiliar terms and ask Xuan Lu about it.

He wrote them down one by one.

Graysexual, myrsexual, quoisexual. Even the ones he is unknown to him, he had written them down.

He chatted with Xuan Lu about what happened. Xuan Lu immediately responded.


[Mn. Is it possible to like the same sex without being gay?]

[Of course, dumb you. There are terms like bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, you know. You can be an asexual and feel attraction to the same or opposite sex. I have read before when I was in high school that there are five types of attraction, you know?]

[If you were to think of what I am on the spectrum, what do you think I am?]

Xuan Lu replied, [All of the things you have written. I just opened the site you sent me. You don't have to use all of them. You could just use the 'aceflux'. I'll tell you more about it-- eh? Wait, I have a question. Have you liked Wang Yibo before he told you he likes you?]


Xuan Lu, [Okay.. you should read the recipro... reciprosexual? Anyway, Zhuocheng is calling me. Let's talk later. Bye!]

He scrolled down to see what Xuan Lu mentioned and read it. The article said it has the same term but for the aromantic spectrum. He's baffled. Is that what happened to him with Wang Yibo?

His heart is racing and thought, yes! That's what happened to him when the man confessed though it took him a while. He is in denial that he tried to think of his past memories. He did have some crushes before though it was really short-term.

Perhaps, Xuan Lu is right.

He was having an internal crisis when Xuan Lu chatted with him again.

[Zhan, there is no need to listen to me about your labels, the only person who can identify who you are is yourself. If you're happy and comfortable about the term, then, I'm happy for you. If not, it's fine. Don't push yourself too much.]

Xiao Zhan smiled, [I'll take note of that. Thank you.]

Cho Seungyoun groaned, his back lying on the floor, "My back hurts!"

Wang Yibo laughed, "Grandpa."

Cho Seungyoun screamed and threw a face towel to Wang Yibo, "Fucker! Get me some ice packs!"

Wang Yibo didn't move, "Just go stretch or something."

Cho Seungyoun stands up and walks towards the cooler to get some ice, "Give me the towel!"

Wang Yibo scoffed but threw it back anyway, "Wow! After throwing it to me, you're going to ask for it? How clever."

"That's because you're annoying." Cho Seungyoun reasoned. "Is it okay?"

Wang Yibo nodded, "Better than before. We have to get ready with the clothes and themes for our performance."

Cho Seungyoun, "You're just going to hump the floor, what's the matter?"

Wang Yibo rolled his eyes, "It's not just humping?! It's just part of the choreography!"

Cho Seungyoun, "You just want to impress Cheng Xiao eh?"

Wang Yibo glared at him, "It's not her."

Cho Seungyoun, "Hey! You! I thought your relationship with Cheng Xiao is improving?"

Wang Yibo shrugged, "No. No. I've changed my mind. I'm not ready. I have a lot to unpack here. As a student and a member of your organization, I have to keep my focus here and nothing else."

Cho Seungyoun stretched his neck, "That's why you confessed to Xiao Zhan."

Wang Yibo, "It's because I was certain. It took me years, okay? You know that. Cheng Xiao is different. We just met her. I don't even know why she liked me in the first place. We barely talked after the incident."

Cho Seungyoun just nodded, "Whatever you say, patootie."

Wang Yibo, "Eh. I just thought... Is water splashing a good thing for our performance?"

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