The Camera Never Lies 4/4

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A/N: IT'S DOKYEOM DAY EVERYONE!!! Happy birthday to this beautiful wonderful human being vocal king BSS leader my ultimate bias cutiepie <3333333 And also to Vernon <33333333333 I wanted to update Nutcracker today and this book tomorrow but since it's DK day I decided to switch them for now. So let's jump right into it, I hope you're gonna like this chapter 😏


'Help! Shark!! Help!'

Wonwoo chuckled as he was staring at the TV screen. Him and Mingyu were currently on Dr Kim's luxury boat. Mingyu was wrapped in a blanket with his hair still wet, wearing his casual clothes, while Wonwoo had the remote in his hand. They were looking through what the cameras on the surfboard recorded, looking for the shark. Mingyu could be seen the whole time, but no matter how hard Wonwoo concentrated on the screen, unfortunately he couldn't spot the shark. The whole thing made no sense to him. Did Mingyu do the whole thing because he wouldn't be able to get back on the surfboard to finish what he started?

'That's some impressive footage' laughed Wonwoo and pressed the pause button.

'I wouldn't say so' said a voice from the doorway. The two boys snapped their heads there. Dr Kim was standing there, looking unimpressed. He looked at his son. 'Kim Mingyu. Do you have any idea of what damage you caused to JuiceNet cafe by stealing the surfboard? I basically had to beg to Chanyeol and Baekhyun not to call the police!' he said angrily.

'I didn't steal it! It's your property!' argued Mingyu.

'Maybe it is, but its place is in the cafe!' said Dr Kim. Then he turned to Wonwoo. 'And you' he pointed at him. Wonwoo stared back at him blankly. 'Delete this footage right now. I can't let my son be seen like this' he said. Mingyu felt thankful for a second, but then his father continued. 'It could make a bad impact on my business' he added. Mingyu lowered his head. His father doesn't even care whether he is fine after what happened. He had to know since he clearly saw the footage.

'Excuse me sir, but no' spoke up Wonwoo, making Mingyu snap his head up. No one ever dares to say no to Dr Kim. 'This is my footage. It was recorded with my camera' explained Wonwoo. 'I'm entering the short film competition. It even has Mingyu's permission on it. We made a deal' he added.

Mingyu hated to admit, but Wonwoo was right. And also, he was so mad at his father that he would've agreed to anything just to piss him off. Even if it meant showing everyone a footage of his bare butt, but luckily that wasn't the case.

'What were you even doing, son?' asked Dr Kim realizing that Wonwoo wasn't going to change his mind. He also found it kind of impressive and entertaining how the teenager stood up against him. He decided to let it slide for now.

'There was a shark there, Dad!' said Mingyu angrily. Dr Kim looked at Wonwoo again.

'Did you see the shark?' he asked skeptically. Wonwoo grimaced.

'I actually arrived a bit later, you know my engine-'

'That's what I thought' cut him off Dr Kim with a grin. 'My son only made up the story about the shark because he knew he can't beat my record' he said and turned around to leave the boat.

Wonwoo hated to admit, but he kind of thought the same thing Dr Kim said. Mingyu might have panicked after reaching Mako and wanted to call it off, but didn't want to seem like a coward. So he made up the story of the shark. It's kind of clear. Because there wasn't anything other than Mingyu on the footage. He looked at the TV screen again. Hm, he can definitely work with this on his computer.

Also, no matter the fact that he agreed with Mingyu's father, he would've never voiced it. The man was seriously cruel for talking to his only son like that. Wonwoo had 5 siblings, and they were all real troublemakers, but he couldn't remember a single time when their parents would've accused them with anything using this tone.

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