The Big Chill 3/4

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What are y'all's opinion??? I'm obsessed with the Super MV, the dance, the song, the clothes, basically everything!!! I mean I'm always obsessed with everything Seventeen does, if they were just to record a 3 minute clip about them standing not doing anything I'd still be head over heels, but they managed to outshine themselves once again!!

Also there's a fly in my room and it's really fucking annoying and now it disappeared and I can't see it only hear the buzzing. This was today's tmi, now onto the chapter!


'She seems to be kinda... solid' said Seungkwan as he touched Jennie's cheek with the tip of his finger. The girl was still standing behind the shelves where Seokmin found her completely frozen, because as soon as he did, the first thing that came to his mind was to call someone for help. And seeing that one of his two best friends was still mad at him, he could only think of Seungkwan.

'How did this happen?' asked Seungkwan turning to Seokmin who was walking back and forth in panic.

'I-I froze her! Yesterday I came here and found out that the thermostat was turned up. So I turned the temperature back down but by then everything started to melt so I just used my power to freeze back the whole room! I didn't know she was hiding in here!'

'Hm' hummed Seungkwan and looked back at Jennie. 'I think she was the one who turned up the thermostat. She wanted to mess with you guys. Now she is in a bigger mess.'

'Excuse me?! She is the one in the mess?? What if she died?! Then I killed her, it's my fault! And how are we supposed to explain this to anyone?! A person can't just freeze like that by staying in here all night!! Kwannie, I-' by this time Seokmin was straight up crying. Seungkwan sighed sadly.

'Don't worry, we are going to figure something out. Maybe-'

'GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?!' came Wonwoo's voice from the cafe. Seokmin widened his eyes.

'You called him here?!'

'I had to! He might be the only one who knows what we should do!' whispered Seungkwan before yelling back to Wonwoo. 'We're in the back!'

They heard footsteps from the front of the shop and suddenly Wonwoo appeared in the doorway wearing a simple T-shirt and sweatpants as if he had just woken up 10 minutes ago (maybe because actually that was the case) and started walking towards them.

'Okay, okay, I'm here, no worries. What seems to be the- CRISIS!?!?!?' screamed Wonwoo as soon as he reached them and spotted the frozen girl in the corner. Seokmin was biting his nails nervously. 'Wow' stuttered out Wonwoo and he walked closer to Jennie. 'You did this?'

'It was an accident!' protested Seokmin on the verge of tears again. Seungkwan quickly summarized the events of the previous day to their friend. Wonwoo was listening intently.

'Don't we need an ambulance or something?' asked Seokmin worriedly.

'No' said Wonwoo strictly and turned back to Jennie again. 'We won't be able to explain this to anyone without getting you guys exposed. We need a solution quickly. Umm... how much time we have till opening?' he asked. Seokmin looked at his watch.

'Less than an hour.'

'Will do. I'm just going to make a shot in the dark, but seeing that y'all's powers are supernatural, there might be a chance that her basic functions didn't stop completely since she was frozen in a... supernatural way.'

'So you're saying maybe we can save her?' asked Seungkwan.

'Let's just hope' scrunched his nose Wonwoo. 'And I know there's something going on between you guys' he looked at Seokmin ',but we are going to need Hoshi's power most.'

SVT: Just Add Water (Mermaid Au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora