Surprise! 1/3

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A/N: Fun fact this is the title of the episode not an actual surprise lol

Also let's ignore the fact that Seungkwan's birthday is in winter or whatever, they live in this tropical area in this story so yeah bear with me, it's summer there all year long :D And again, thank you so much for reading and loving this story! I really enjoy reading your comments! Even if I don't react, I always read all of them :) <3


'I brought the stuff you asked for' stopped Jun on the pier next to the motorboat. Mingyu looked up at him from what he was doing. He was sitting in his boat fidgeting with his equipment and wearing his surf clothes. He spared a glance to the item in Jun's hand.

'That's a fish detector, hyung' he said.

'Do you need it or not?' asked Jun.

'No! That's not what I asked for!'

'Well, this was what I had! Why'd you need all of that equipment anyways?' asked the older.

'I'm going hunting' said Mingyu seriously. Jun rolled his eyes. 'If I find what I'm looking for, I can go down in history' said the younger with sparkly eyes.

'You said the same thing about surfing around Mako Island a few weeks ago when the sharks almost ate you. Is this about that sea monster again?' asked Jun annoyedly as he put his backpack on the ground and started to put the fish detector away.

Mingyu nodded. He couldn't get the blue scales out of his mind ever since he almost drowned with Ms Chatham's boat. He was sure that something lives under the sea, possibly around Mako. And he was determined to find out what it was.

'You're obsessed, man' shook his head Jun. 'You've gone mad.'

'Say that when I'll have proof of the existence of the sea monster' answered Mingyu. 'By the way, the fact that I'm still alive is also proof, but since no one believes me, I need to take action myself.'

'Do whatever you want to, but leave me out of this! Talk to me once your braincells have grown back' said Jun.

'Hey, where are you going now?' Mingyu yelled after his best friend as the older threw his backpack on his back again and started walking away. Jun turned back to him and walked backwards on the pier.

'I'm seeing Joshua. So have fun with your sea monster while I have my own kind of fun' he shouted back and turned around, leaving Mingyu there alone.


Seokmin turned around on the barstool, distracted from his chitchat with Jihoon behind the counter when he heard someone crash into JuiceNet cafe causing a temporary traffic in the doorway as they pushed their way through the people who were about to leave. Seokmin watched amusedly as Wonwoo clumsily made his way to the counter where he was sitting too and breathed hi to him and Jihoon.

'What is this about?' asked Seokmin curiously.

'What is what about?' asked back Wonwoo out of breath, combing his hair with his fingers. Seokmin rolled his eyes and helped him make himself look presentable.

'I need money. Like urgently. But I don't know how to do it in a single day' explained the older. Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows behind the counter while handing him a glass of iced coke, knowing his orders all too well. Wonwoo accepted it and handed a few coins back.

'You could've thought of it sooner you know' chewed the straw in his drink Seokmin.

'I know, I know' sighed Wonwoo and took a sip from his coke.

'Don't you have the money you won with the film competition?' asked Jihoon, wiping his hands in a cloth.

'Yeah... I bought a new engine for my boat. And the rest is for my college savings, I can't use it' frowned Wonwoo.

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