The One That Got Away 3/5

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A/N: I'm officially done with the semester and more than half of my midterm exams, 5 down, only 3 more to go ^^ I have one more exam on Tuesday, but from now on until February expect me to be back to updating twice a week, on Tuesdays and on Saturdays - so also forgive me for this chapter being a bit shorter than usual :) I managed to make some drafts last week and now that I'm kind of free from uni I have more time to work on my stories.

Trigger warning: this episode isn't meant to promote toxic masculinity in any way, this is just a joke. All bois are perfect the way they are ><



'Oppa!' called out Seungkwan's little sister Yuna from the doorway. Seungkwan looked up from his cereal bowl as Yuna walked inside the kitchen. 'The mailman just brought this. Someone sent it for you' said Yuna weirdly and showed up a small bouquet of pink roses. Seungkwan raised an eyebrow and Mr Boo peeked out from behind his newspaper curiously.

'For me?' asked Seungkwan and took the flowers from Yuna. He read the tag attached to the bouquet. 'Flowers for the prettiest boy' it said. The handwriting wasn't familiar to him.

'I didn't know you're seeing someone again, Honey' said Mr Boo.

'I'm not! I have no idea who sent me this' shook his head Seungkwan.

'Then who could've sent it?' thought out loud his Dad.

'Whoever it is, they clearly don't have a taste' scoffed Yuna and sat back down to her breakfast. 'Who in the world would want to send a bouquet to you out of all people?' she mocked.

Seungkwan stuck his tongue out at her, but he couldn't help but wonder. Really, who could've sent this to him?



'I'm saying this once again, if Mr Im wasn't a mad man last year, then he has definitely gone mad during summer holiday!' groaned Hoshi as the three best friends were walking on the school hallway. 'It's probably because he wasn't around innocent kids to torture and he is bloodthirsty now' he thought out loud.

'Or maybe Mr Choi dumped him and he went even crazier' added Seokmin. Everyone in the school heard the rumors about how the crazy biology teacher and the always cheerful music teacher were seeing each other last year, but recently they didn't hear much about their relationship.

'Well, according to Miyeon they are still together' said Seungkwan as they reached their lockers. 'At least she said she and Minnie saw them recently.'

'Yeah, obviously because if something is from Miyeon then it has to be true' mocked Soonyoung, knowing it well that the school's gossip section didn't only love to spread stories, but they also tended to rewrite a few details about everyone.

'You can never know' shrugged Seungkwan.

'Hi, Minghao!' waved Seokmin to the new kid. Minghao greeted them back as he continued walking on the hallway. Seungkwan hummed.

'I don't like him' he said.

'Why? He is nice' said Seokmin.

'It's because our Kwannie is jealous' butted in Hoshi.

'I'm not! Why would I be jealous?' fumed Seungkwan.

'Because he is all over Wonwoo lately' raised an eyebrow Hoshi. Seungkwan gritted his teeth.

'I'm not jealous. Wonwoo has friends other than us. It's great for him to socialize' he said and opened his locker. His eyes widened when he spotted a box of chocolate on top of his books.

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