Pressure Cooker 2/3

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A/N: I'm so sorry, Loves, but your reactions at the end of the previous chapter were just priceless XD As a compensation, the amount of secondhand embarrassment and drama in this and the next chapter will kill all of us lol


'You?!' glared Seungkwan at the newcomer. Minghao raised his chin and stood his gaze on himself.

'You?!' he asked back.

'Oh, you two know each other?' asked Mr Boo excitedly, not even sensing the tension in the room even though it was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

'Yes' said Seungkwan blankly, his mind replaying the many times he saw Minghao and Wonwoo giggle together and how fondly Wonwoo talked about Minghao whenever the two of them were up to another random scientific experiment because apparently no one understands him like Minghao does. 'We know each other pretty well.'

'We share a few classes' added Minghao with the enthusiasm of a dead frog. Probably the older was also reminded of how it's Wonwoo's ex he is facing right now, not to mention the fact that it was clear to everyone that Seungkwan still had feelings for Wonwoo. Unfortunately neither of the boys could figure out how Wonwoo feels about either of them.

'Oh, that's wonderful news! It will make things a lot easier' sighed Mr Boo in relief. 'Come in, sit down in the living room, I'll get us drinks' he instructed.

'I'm so happy to finally meet you two' smiled Ms Xu at Seungkwan and Yuna. 'Dongjun talks a lot about you.'

'That's interesting because we haven't heard about you until today' muttered Seungkwan under his breath. The lady probably didn't hear it as she and Minghao sat down on one of the couches while Seungkwan and Yuna hopped on the couch opposite from them. Mr Boo arrived back with red wine and apple juice.

Minghao and Seungkwan were eyeing each other suspiciously from their places. This was probably their first time being alone without any of their friends ever since Seungkwan accidentally sprinkled water at Minghao on his first day of school. Well, a lot changed since then.

Seungkwan gritted his teeth. He couldn't believe what's happening. Is this for real? Is his father really courting the mother of one of the only people in school he just can't stand?? Who just happen to be the same boy who's flirting with his ex all the time? Why is the universe so cruel??

'I'm so glad to get to know one of Hao's friends like this' continued talking Minghao's Mom unbothered. Both Seungkwan and Minghao had to fight the urge to tell her that they are not friends at all. They decided to stay quiet. 'So you two are about the same age? You must have so much in common! Sports, fashion, girls and boys...' giggled Ms Xu. Seungkwan's eyes darkened even more at that. Of course, boys, especially.


They looked up at the doorbell ringing, wondering who could've possibly arrived. 'I'll get it!!' said Yuna springing up from her seat. She could obviously sense the tension between the two boys (that their Dad and Ms Xu couldn't), even though she wasn't exactly sure about what was going on with them. She went to the door to open it. 'What are you doing here?' they heard her ask from the newcomer instead of greeting.

'I need to talk to Seungkwan! It's urgent-'

Seungkwan and Minghao gasped simultaneously when Wonwoo barged inside the living room. Said boy stopped in the middle of the room like a deer caught in the headlights.

'Wonwoo!!' yelled Seungkwan and Minghao in sync. Wonwoo was staring back and forth between them, having absolutely no clue why are his two favorite people who happen to can't stand each other, sitting in the same room.

SVT: Just Add Water (Mermaid Au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora