Fish Out Of Water 1/3

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A/N: College is stressing me out and the semester hasn't even started yet

Anyways, welcome back to another episode! I wasn't originally sure about writing this part, but it used to be one of my favorites, especially with Cleo's zombie-clothing crisis so I ended up writing it... I hope it's not too lame! Now let's see what happens next :))


The film came to an end and people flooded the hallways of the cinema, walking towards the exit. Seokmin and Seungkwan were the last ones to leave the room as they hated when people crowded together and they couldn't move an inch. They rather stayed behind to discuss the movie, then left the room lastly.

'It was so scary!' exclaimed Seungkwan as they walked past the poster of the movie they just watched.

'Please, Kwan! I can't stand horror movies, but this was so bad that even I wasn't scared' rolled his eyes Seokmin.

'I'm not talking about the movie!' said Seungkwan and stopped by another poster that was promoting the same movie. Like Ooh-Ahh, read the title. Seungkwan pointed at one of the zombies on the poster. 'Look, this zombie here, he was in the subway scene! And he is wearing the exact same blue shirt that I have!' he pointed it out. Before Seokmin could've said anything, he continued. 'And the other zombie in the bathroom? He had a purple top just like mine!!' Seungkwan panicked. 'I need to refresh my wardrobe, I can't dress like a zombie!' he whined.

'Kwan, I don't think-' Seokmin stopped mid-sentence, looking above the younger's shoulder. 'What. The. Fuck?' he whispered.

'What?' asked Seungkwan and turned around, only to be pulled behind a wall by Seokmin. The two of them were peeking out curiously.

'Is that really Hoshi hyung?' asked Seokmin in disbelief.

'And... is he really with Kim Mingyu??' gasped Seungkwan. 'And were they watching... Feel Special? That's a romance movie!'

'Maybe they just ran into each other' said Seokmin trying to assure themselves, watching as Hoshi and Mingyu walked towards the exit while talking, probably discussing the movie. Just then Mingyu suddenly hugged the older's waist and they overheard Hoshi giggling.

The two friends looked at each other with wide eyes. Did they really just witness that?


'I don't believe you. This is ridiculous.'

'We saw it with our own eyes. They are dating' said Seokmin. Wonwoo shoveled some food in his mouth and shook his head.

It was Tuesday and Sebong High's cafeteria was quite noisy around that time as everyone tried to squeeze in a lunch break before their next class. It was Seokmin's and Seungkwan's luck that Wonwoo spared them their seats by the table.

'Maybe you just saw two people who looked like Hoshi and Mingyu.'

'We wish' muttered Seungkwan while building a tower from pieces of carrots and broccoli on his plate.

'If that thing falls down you will be the one to clean it up because there's no fucking way I'm picking those up from the floor of the canteen' shook his head Seokmin in disapproval, continuing eating his vegetables.

'At least I won't have to eat this horrible food' said the younger.

'And what exactly did you guys see? Isn't it possible that they met there by accident?' asked Wonwoo, still skeptical about the SoonGyu couple.

'Well, that's what we thought too until Mingyu hugged Hoshi and hyung was giggling like a teenage girl meeting One Direction' explained Seokmin. Wonwoo acted like if he was throwing up.

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