✨30K Special✨

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A/N: Guess who managed to catch a cold in 40°C outside just as the summer vacation started... you really can't say I'm not a responsible student, getting ill as soon as the semester finished lol

IMPORTANT: This chapter is NOT part of the main storyline. It's the continuation of the previous special chapters where they are idols. If you remember, last time in the 25K Special, they told the others about their secret. So as for this chapter, I was thinking, how would a "normal" day look like in their lives if they were mermen and idols, with the rest of the group now knowing about their secret identities? So this part is rather a slice of life kind of chapter. I already have something on mind for the next special though :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 30K, it means so much to me that there are people still reading this book <333


'Soonyoung! Get your ass out of the bathroom, some of us want to get inside you know!' yelled Jihoon angrily, standing in front of the closed door of the dorm's shared bathroom.

'Can't a man take a bath in peace?!' came Hoshi's annoyed voice from inside. Jihoon rolled his eyes and looked at the time on his phone.

'You've been in there for at least 40 minutes now! I want to brush my teeth you dipshit!' Surely, it was Seventeen's day off, but that didn't mean Jihoon doesn't want to go on with his daily routine.

'I'll be out in 10 minutes!'

'That's what you said 20 minutes ago!'

'Then wait for some more!'

'I'm coming in!'


'It's not like I haven't seen you naked before- oh' muttered Jihoon entering the bathroom. Hoshi clicked his tongue in annoyance and continued washing himself. 'I-'I'm sorry, I forgot' said the younger, closing the door behind himself, trying his best not to stare at Hoshi's merman form.

The older's shimmering blue tail was too long and it didn't fit inside the bathtub. His body was covered in foam and bubbles because of the bubble bath he was taking, and water was splashed around in the bathroom everywhere. Jihoon, in his awkward state, grabbed the mop and began cleaning up the bathroom.

The boys have witnessed BooSeokSoon's merman forms several times since they "came out", but the sight never failed to fascinate them and they always had to try very hard not to stare. Not only because of the unusual sight of them with tails, but also because... well, no one could deny that the mermen were attractive as hell... in a totally platonic, heterosexual way, of course.

'... Jihoon-ah? You're staring' broke the silence Hoshi. Jihoon just realized that he subconsciously kept sneaking glances at the older in the bathtub while cleaning.

'Uh, sorry' he muttered, putting the mop away and getting ready to brush his teeth. Soonyoung's lips curled into a sly smirk.

'You can ask me if you want to touch it, you know' he said. Jihoon gasped.

'That sounded nasty af, shut up!' he exclaimed, blushing slightly as he grabbed his toothbrush, but not before glancing at Hoshi once more in the mirror. 'He is so pretty' he mumbled under his breath.

Little did he know, Hoshi heaard it. The merman suppressed a smile before sliding down and submerging under the water for a few seconds.


'I'm telling you, Batman is so much better than Wonder Woman!!'

'You're being annoying! You are only saying that because Wonder Woman is a girl! If she wanted to she would beat Batman's ass in a heartbeat!'

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