Chapter 4

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for all those people that were worried about me (lol no one)

I'm not dead

just an fyi

okay enjoy the chapter



I could feel my anxiety spiking as more and more monkeys gathered. The main monkey/leader that I had decided to name David, was still in front of the troop. He stood tall, showing his authority and leadership. He then made a loud 'call that I could hear echo off of the treetops and small pool.

The other monkeys behind him copied him, emitting their own calls as well. Eventually, the small noise that was a few hollers, turned into a roar of various growls. They bared their teeth and began to position themselves to attack.

While I was starting to hyperventilate because a bunch of tiny monkeys are going to murder me, David made a sudden move and hopped onto a branch closer to me. He flashed me his ugly monkey teeth -which had looked very sharp at the moment- and started to make low, menacing noises.

Honestly, I was still mentally peeing my pants, but as I have heard from every TV show and movie ever, you're supposed to show no fear. Remembering this, I straightened my back, puffed out my chest, and held my chin high.

Apparently however, 'showing no fear' is also another way to 'challenge' the alpha, and this resulted in a warm liquid being sprayed across my face and body. If I was hyperventilating before, my breathing was so irregular then you'd think I just ran six miles. Eventually, I couldn't hold in my shriek anymore.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not a total 'girly-girl', but this was quite a girly scream. Of course, I don't think monkeys are used to a teenage girl screaming bloody murder during a 'challenge' with their alpha, so they took that as a sign to attack.

There were monkeys everywhere. Pulling on my hair, tugging on my clothes, scratching at my skin, leaving me to no peace at all. Screams were ringing through my ears, bodies climbing all over my arms and ankles, teeth sinking into my raw flesh. I tried kicking them off, removing them with my hands, shaking them off as if I was a dog, but nothing seemed to work. I could feel drops of blood starting to come out of the wounds and drip down my arms and legs. The monkey's sharp teeth and claws constantly piercing my skin was only opening it up more and making it worse. Sharp pain was now making itself present in the currently exposed parts of my body. Suddenly, I couldn't bear the pain anymore and i took a large of a breath as possible and screamed.

The last scream compared to the current scream was like the current of a brook to an ocean. Birds flew out of the trees; cawing, a couple of monkeys even stopped what they were doing, but otherwise, my attempt to frighten them was to no prevail. They still clawed, bit, and screeched, and I was just about ready to give up and let them scratch me up to their consent. I could imagine the headline: MURDER BY MONKEY, STRANDED GIRL MAULED TO DEATH BY GROUP OF SEEMINGLY PEACEFUL MONKEYS. What else did I have to live for though? My family was dead, and I had no one back at home. Did it really make a difference that I died by monkeys attacking me instead of the shipwreck?

My depressing, pessimistic thoughts that plagued my mind were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes. This luckily grabbed the attention of a few of the monkeys. I was lucky enough to shove the three I could off of me, but of course, karma came and bit me in the ass when the monkeys that still remained on my body began to claw and bite at my skin harder.

I cried out in pain this time, forgetting my previous negative thoughts, and deciding that these little pieces of shit didn't know what was coming at them. Shoving them off my arms and legs proved to be difficult, and definitely made a majority of the scratches on my arms and legs longer as they dug their nails into my skin to prevent me from unlatching their little monkey hands.

While trying to pry practically rabid monkeys off of me, I was oblivious to the fact that the rustling sound I had heard earlier had gotten louder, and now was getting closer. I didn't really notice the monkeys not trying as hard to stay, but definitely did notice the monkeys starting to scamper off of me. At that moment, I was on top of the world. In my mind, these horrendous monkeys were leaving because of me being intimidating and dominant in my mind.

I finally noticed it wasn't me when I stopped attempting to throw them off and they still continued to run away from me as if I were the plague. This scared me because according to every movie and book ever, blood thirsty monkeys don't just run away from you.

Of course, my brain was ahead of my actions, so I didn't really have time to react when all of a sudden I was grabbed from behind and found a blade at my throat.


hehehehehehehehehehehehe cliff hanger

let's start this off on a happy note


okay yes

i'm aware it looks like I've been avoiding writing

but guysssss it's only been like..... six months

pshhh not even that long

but once again, the important thing is that I'm not dead


so yep i'm back guys


hahahahaha just kidding that's like the lamest hashtag ever

so um yeah guys i've been busy with everything



writer's block


friends that turned out to be little pieces of shit in disguise

the usual

anywaysssss the important thing is that I'm back and since it's memorial day weekend here in the US, I have two days of school off to write for y'all

so expect updates

like rlly soon

I swear

just kidding swearing is bad kids

hahahahahahahahaha lol fuck that swear to your hearts content

okay hope you enjoyed the semi-long chapter

love you lovelies

<3 Katie


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