Chapter 9

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Above is Cisco/Francisco played by Colton Haynes. Sorry for the bad quality pic, it was the best one I could find of him shirtless ;) UGH THAT JAWLINE THOUGH

Thank you to everyone who voted! We got to MORE than 10! Enjoy the chapter and COMMENT!


Their father was the chief.

Of course he was.

A lot of things made sense now that I knew this vital information. The fact that everyone stared at Daniel like he was their savior as he came back to the village, and how people hated that he had brought me into their village, but didn't question him. Also, it explains how Gabby got so close to Grant. When Allan was most likely discussing things with Chief Juan Pablo, Grant was probably given the opportunity to hang out with the closest person around his age; Gabby.

The chief cleared his throat, interrupting my thought process. "So this is what you brought home with the fish?" I asked coldly, turning towards Daniel.

Instead of looking back down at ground like he had before, he looked directly into his father's eyes. "Yes. I did bring her back. She was injured, lost, and wandering around the forest. I did not think it would be a problem if I brought her back to the village."

Chief Juan Pablo shifted his hard stare from Daniel to me. I stood there, not knowing how to show my respect? Should I bow? Curtsey? Give a what's up nod?

Gabby must have sensed my confusion and nervousness, because she gave me a small reassuring smile that I wasn't able to return. Instead, I gave her a what the hell do I do now your dad is glaring at me as if he wants to eat me look back.

"What's her name?" The chief asked, ignoring that I was even in the room and turning towards Gabby; who was stifling a giggle after seeing the look that I gave her.

"Her name is Naomi," she turned towards me, as if warning me about her next sentence. "Naomi's ship crashed at sea, so she got washed up on the beach," she answered her father's unspoken answer of how I had gotten here.

I winced when she mentioned the shipwreck, the memories and wounds from the haunting event still fresh in my mind.

Daniel had either noticed me wince, or looked up at me when he heard about the shipwreck, because he was intently staring me. I peered back at him, and saw shock and confusion in his face, probably caused by the new information since I hadn't told him how I had gotten on the island.

I avoided eye contact, not really wanting any sympathy from him at the moment.

Glancing back at the chief, he seemed to be deep in thought. He was looking me, as wondering what he could with me. Finally, he had seemed to come up with a solution of some kind, because he began to walk up to me.

"If you do anything to ruin this village or any of our lives in any way," he threatened in a low voice. "If you do one thing wrong, take one step out of place; I will kill you," he warned. Just as quickly as he was to threaten me, he was out the door, leaving me standing frozen in place. Daniel quickly followed him, only looking back at me once to give a look that I couldn't read.

Gabby cautiously walked up to me, as afraid of scaring me more. "I'm sorry for not telling you about my dad," she apologized. "I didn't want to freak you out. He can be pretty scary... as you now know." she gave me a sheepish smile.

I slowly nodded my head, accepting her apology. "It's okay. I understand." My mind was still reeling from what Chief Juan Pablo had said. I could already tell that he, along with a majority of the village, hated my presence.

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