Chapter 6

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Okay guys this update took a little longer than usual bc I read more that two books... Hehe oops. But tbh I don't regret it bc I read the best three books ever (dreamboat, déjà vu, and illegally yours) by whammystyles and she is my queen and so good at writing so enough said and this chapter is dedicated to her. It also took a little longer bc this chapter is longer. We also had a family emergency, which I'm starting to write a book about. Okay enjoy the chapter! :)


The sound of tropical birds chirping woke me up in the morning. I groaned and rolled over to find water gradually soaking through my previously dry shirt. Muttering curse words under my breath, I slowly stood up, my sore body aching, and began to look around.

Every surface in the camp was covered in little rain droplets. Every surface, except the mattress that was covered by a large tarp that wasn't there last night. Four long wooden sticks were in the middle of the leaf mattress, and on top of them was a large tarp that seemed to be made out of more leaves. Daniel must have put the tarp up last night, knowing it  The tarp, however, only covered the middle of the mattress, which explains how I rolled onto a wet part of the mattress.

Looking to my left, I expected to see a sleeping Daniel, but instead saw my brown leather bag. Puzzled, I came out from under the tarp to try to find him.

The fire in the center of camp was burning, but Daniel was still nowhere found. Thoughts of fear began swirling in my head, as I imagined him abandoning the camp and myself.

I sat down on a log by the fire, beginning to questions myself. What would I do now? How would I survive? What about the other people on the island? Would they kill me? I could feel the anxiety building in my stomach.

Rubbing my temples, I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I would be okay. Daniel would come back, and him and I would-

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud rustling in the bushes. Panicking, I picked up the nearest thing to defend myself; a very large palm tree leaf.

I slowly walked in the direction of the sound, palm leaf at ready. The rustling grew louder as the thing grew closer, making my anxiety spike.

Suddenly, something flew out of the plants and came flying at me. I swung blindly, making contact with the object. I heard a small yelp and immediately stepped back. In front of me, was a large, dirty, German Shepard.

Instead of barking and attacking me like I expected it to, the dog simply sat down and started wagging its tail.

Even with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, I still felt unsure about being near it. I slowly took small steps back, still keeping my eyes on the dog.

"I didn't know you get scared so easily." Daniel's deep voice surprised me as his warm breath hit my neck.

I shivered, then turned around quickly. "Not usually," I whispered back with a smile. "But big dogs that I don't know jumping out of bushes can give me a scare."

He gave me a quick nod, and what looked like a flash of a smile as he tugged on my wrist, leading me to the logs by the fire pit.

After, I sat down on the wet surface, cringing a little bit, but still sitting. Daniel whistled for the dog to come before joining me on sitting, but on the opposite side of the log.

"This," he said gesturing towards the dog "Is Perrito He's the top hunting dog we have in the village."

Perrito came over to me and sat down, tongue sticking out, ready to be pet. I obliged, not being able to resist giving him what he wanted.

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