Chapter 15

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Hey guys, here's the next chapter! Sorry it's a day late!

Hope you love it as much as I love you guys <3



A couple of days had passed since Allan, Grant and Caitlyn had left.

The couple days they were here, the two men worked on the house, and gradually other houses. Grant always put all his effort into his work, earning him at the most, the rest of the afternoon off. Of course, all that extra time went to Gabby / the advancement of Grabby, with me occasionally tagging along.

My days during the Anderson's visit had been somewhat interesting. I hadn't had lessons, since they started up again tomorrow, so most of my time had been spent with Cisco.

It turns out, the house I had... broke down behind was his aunt's. Honestly, I think it was quite lucky, because at the time that he found me was when I had needed him the most.

The only thing that was a bit weird was his guarding schedule. Unlike Gabby's brother, who had guard duty every night, Cisco seemed to have extra hours during the day.

Despite the fact that him having more hours at work meant less time spent with me, I thought what he was doing was very admirable, even though I wasn't quite sure what he was guarding the village from.

Every time I had asked him, he had causally changed the subject, letting it almost slip my mind. Almost.

I wanted answers, and not to sound like a brat, I wanted them now. But I knew the only person who could fully give me all the answers I desired was the one I wasn't on speaking terms with.

He and Caitlyn had spent almost all of their time together, and after seeing them in the orchard, I didn't even want to imagine what they were doing.

Cisco had become my rock over the few days we had spent together. We laughed, shared stories, and became closer and closer. Friendship wise of course.

However, ever since he had held me in his arms as I fell apart, and whispered sweet nothings into my ear, I developed a small crush on him.

Okay maybe not a small one, maybe a giant huge one, but I couldn't help myself. He had been so sweet the past couple of days. Listening intently to my stories, laughing at my not funny jokes, complimenting me every time he saw me. He was just so... perfect.

I sighed, staring at the swaying of the leaves in the tropic wind. The sweet smell of rain and flowers drifting through the air and tickling my nose.

Closing my eyes, I took in the nature, loving the feeling and wishing I had been able to do the same at my house in California.

The closest thing we had to a forest near my house, was the single tree in my backyard, with a small wooden tree house constructed on the largest branch. A small smile graced my face as I looked back on the memories of a younger me hiding in there when Toby, my mom and my dad would play hide-and-go-seek.

That was another thing I liked about Cisco. Whenever I would talk about my family, or tell him one of my favorite memories of us, he always knew what to say and how to comfort me without being too sympathetic or nonchalant.

In fact, he had showed me this very place where I was seated; well, sort of.

Yesterday, I was very anxious and hyper, I didn't really know why. Maybe because my feelings for Cisco were growing, or maybe because I had seen Caitlyn and Daniel's very long goodbye kiss and I just felt like being around him.

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