Chapter 14

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Hey hey hey it's Saturday 

hehehe that rhymed

explanation for late chapter @ end.


comment lots throughout the chapter ily you all <3333


The warm breeze was the first thing that woke me up. It bristled over my face, effectively making me less drowsy.

I began to take in my surroundings; I seemed to be on my back, laying on the flat hard surface of a rocky ground.

Looking up, I was met with the view of clouds in the sky slowly turning into bright yellows and oranges with the on coming sunset.

Sitting up slowly, I noticed that the piece of rock I was sleeping on was about ten feet away from the edge of a cliff.

Frightened, I scrambled back frantically and right into a... tree? I didn't know what it was until I turned around, because they only thing that had really registered was the sharp pain that was now in my lower back.

Reaching behind me to the trunk of the tree, I used the base to pull myself up, careful not to scrape myself on its rough bark.

After standing up, I almost fell down due to the beauty of the view. Over the edge of the cliff was an amazing view of the island. I could see from the beach I had arrived on, to the edge of the rain forest that hid the orchard and riverbank. Looking to the right, I noticed a large waterfall about fifty feet to the left, that I then realized must have fed into the river.

"There you are." I heard a voice from behind me say, breaking my daze.

Shocked, I turned around to see... Daniel?

He was smiling, and walking towards me, a crown made of flowers in his hands. He gently placed it on my head, careful not to hurt me, and took my hands in his.

"You are the queen. The queen of beauty, and the queen of kindness. Not only that," He announced, his voice tender. "But the queen of my heart."

Butterflies immediately fluttered in my stomach, and I tried and failed to fight a back a blush.

"And I wouldn't want it to be anyone else." He reassured me softly, and pulled me into a gentle kiss, pouring all of his passion and love into it.

It was a toe curling kiss, and I knew that then and there, was the most perfect-

"Naomi! Naomi! Wake up! Please!" A voice called, and I felt my upper body being shaken.

"What is it, what do you need?" I asked groggily, reluctantly opening my eyes.

Almost immediately, I was surrounded in a giant bear hug, and that's when I knew it was Gabby.

"I'm so sorry Naomi! I know I shouldn't have interrupted you! I'm really sorry! I couldn't stand that last thing you thought before you died was how annoying I and how you hate me. I'm so sorry. I was so scared, I thought you were going to die, and it would all be my fault! I can't believe I didn't turn you around sooner. I'm such a horrible friend. I'm so sorry. I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore." She rambled, tears building up in her chocolate eyes.

"Woah, slow down. I don't blame you for anything. I'm sorry I snapped at you, and of course I want to still be your friend, are you crazy? So stop apologizing." I told her firmly.

"Okay!" She said happily, hugging me tightly.

"Okay but don't try to kill me a second time." I choked out, not being able to breathe due to her strong embrace.

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