Chapter 5

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"¿Quién es usted, y por qué está aquí?" I heard a deep masculine voice say from behind me.

I stood paralyzed not sure what to do, or how to respond. I did take Spanish classes in high school, and my nanny as a child spoke to us occasionally in Spanish. I didn't know enough to be fluent, but enough to understand what he was asking.

"I'm Naomi Wilson, and uh... I'm stranded on this island." I said nervously, hoping that he would understand me despite the fact that I wasn't speaking in his native tongue.

"An American?" he asked, his voice thickly accented. "You don't get that everyday." he muttered under his breath. He slowly lowered his knife and released me.

I let out a sigh of relief slowly turned around. Standing in front of me was a tall very muscular, and very shirtless man. His chocolate colored eyes met mine as I continued to admire his features. His short, chestnut hair was slightly tousled and wet, making his appearance more appealing. My obvious staring was sadly cut off when he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him to tie my hands together with palm leaves. I was then shoved in front of him and lead through a parting in the trees.

Still wary of David coming back with his extended family, I made sure to constantly look out for the devilish creatures. The mysterious shirtless boy must have noticed my constant nervous movements and put his hand on my shoulder. I found the gesture soothing and appreciative. That appreciation then died out when he steered me to the left and released my shoulder again.

We continued walking for what seems like hours and I was sure that I had multiple blisters on my feet from walking so far in only flip flops. Despite the pain, my exhaustion of the day, and confusion on what is even happening, I trudged on, not wanted to see the guy's knife again.

As the sky started to get dark, the unknown guy seemed to slow down our pace. Of course, with me being in front of him, that meant he stopped stepping on my heels to make me go faster. He eventually decided to stop us by a small, flat opening in the trees. To the right of us, there were various types of tree leaves laid out to form a flooring of some kind. Beyond the leaves was a circle of stones and charred pieces of wood in it, most likely used for a fire. Slightly outside the circle was a large log, which probably was used as something to sit on.

I turned around to face the mystery guy to see him looking around his camp that he made, as if to make sure no one was watching us. He then pushed me forwards towards the leaf floor and said one word.

"Stay." And just as fast as he had muttered the word, he left me alone, in the middle of his camp, tied up and ready to be slaughtered.

I sat there for a long time, wondering what I should do. Running away would be pointless and difficult due to the fact that my hands were still bound, and the random dude looked like he knew more about the island than I did. The options of what to do kept swirling around inside my head until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.


I woke up to the appearance of a sudden large weight on my chest. Freaking out, I immediately sat up and looked around. Mystery guy was sitting down by the fire cooking something over it. I looked down at my lap to find the heavy object was the leather bag I that had previously found on the beach. Opening it, I found everything still inside of it. Glancing back at the unknown guy, I just sat there and observed him. Despite the fact that he wasn't facing me, and he was relatively far away, I could tell that he was sinewy. There was no doubt based on the abs I had seen earlier...

"Are you done staring at me?" His raspy accented voice said, as he turned his head towards me, interrupting my thoughts.

I felt my cheeks flush but was determined not to let my embarrassment show. "Where did you find my bag?" I asked, genuinely curious on where and why he would go back to get it.

"Near the waterfall." Was his only reply.

Despite his lack of talking and warmth towards me, I reluctantly came and sat on the same log that he was sitting on. The fact that I've only seen him as a stranger who has a knife that he likes to hold against my neck also worries me to some extent.

"Can you free my wrists?" I asked, not even bothering to be polite about it.

"Can you not run away when I do?" He mocked me, lifting his eyebrows.

I glared at him before nodding quickly and shoved my wrists in front of him.

He pulled his knife out and with one swipe, cut my wrists free.

Rubbing my sore wrists, I let out a "Thanks." under my breath.

Silence overcame us for many minutes. Whatever-his-name-is stared at the fire pensively, seeming to be in a world of his own.

Feeling guilty about disturbing the peace I spoke in a soft voice as I interrupted his thoughts.

"What's your name?" I inquired, tired of making up random names for him in my head.

He looked at me peculiarly. "Daniel." He said, his Hispanic accent changing the way he said the vowels.

"How did you find me?" I asked, my curiosity once again getting the best of me.

"I was looking for food for my village," He replied, not taking his eyes off of the fire. "And I saw a random girl getting attacked by monkeys."

"Wait a second. There are more of you?" I asked, trying not to focus on the last part of his sentence. That information came surprising to me, but made sense. It would have been strange if some guy, Daniel, had lived on an island shirtless and alone for who knows how long.

Once again, he gave me a peculiar look. "Yes there are more of us. I can explain later."

He then stood up and walked towards the edge of the trees that surrounded his -our- camp. Daniel quickly returned with two mangoes and two coconuts.

With his knife, which was looking more like a machete now, he sliced open the tops of the coconuts then proceeded to cut the mangoes into slices. He handed me multiple mango slices and my coconut after he was done preparing them both.

"This is our dinner." He announced, obviously expecting me to be gracious.

"You still didn't elaborate on my previous quest-"

"Eat quickly. We leave early in the morning tomorrow." He said interrupting me. Just as quickly as he interrupted me, he finished his remaining mango slices and coconut meat. Shortly afterwards, he went to lay down on the leaf mattress -which I had renamed after my nap earlier-, leaving me to my thoughts and worries on what could possibly lie ahead.



I know it's been like a month... but I had finals :(((((

But now I'm backkkk and I'll be writing more of this book and JustWords_ 's books.

So yayyyy more Katie in general.

What do you guys think about Daniel?

About his mysterious village?

What's gonna happen next?

On a scale of 1-10 how hot his accent is?

If you guys have noticed, I do cuss in this story, but not as much as I am given the opportunity, and that's because my eight year old sister reads this story from my phone. I might change that later when I'm done with the book and come back and edit it.

Also, just to make sure I don't get distracted again and don't update, I'm not allowing my self to read more than two wattpad books unless I finish a chapter of this book.



<3 Katie


Brisa IslandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora