Chapter 3

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^ That pic is of an island in the beautiful country of Nicaragua. It's part of the Corn Islands which I know are on the east aka NOT the pacific, but people, let's pretend it is. This island she is supposed to be on is west of Mexico and in the tropics. ;)

This chapter is dedicated to theauthorpreneur . Thanks for being the first person to DM me! You should go check out her stories too! They're awesome!

currently editing 11-22-21


My eyes fluttered open and then immediately shut as I was blinded by the bright sun. I slowly sat up and began to take in my surroundings. I was alone on a tropical beach with only a piece of driftwood as evidence that. I spit out a mouthful of sand and water looked around some more. Abundant rain forests surrounded me, and I could hear the calls of tropical birds in the distance.

I had made it to land.

Suddenly, everything hit me. The cruise, the storm, my family, the shipwreck, my decision. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was on a random island, and totally unprepared for the life ahead of me. I guess God had a plan for me because I was alive. And completely deserted on a random island for who knows how long.

I sighed, and picked myself off the sand. My running shorts and baggy t-shirt still a little damp, but not uncomfortably wet. My flip-flops which I had slipped on before going on deck, were still somehow attached to my feet. I had no missing body parts, so I guess I was all good in that department. My hair however, was a whole different story.

My once silky soft hair that used to be in a beautiful messy bun, was now a knotted rat's nest. Sand covered my body, and I didn't even want to know what was in my pants.

Here I was, stuck on some random island, in wet yoga pants, a soggy t-shirt, and flip-flops. With my only weapons a hair tie and a few bobby pins. Great, I thought I can give what ever wants to kill me a makeover before I die.

I groaned at the tightness of my body. Every step felt like I was stepping on nails. I slowly but surely made my way from the beach to a group rocks still close to the water, but not too close.

I waddled up the rocks and winced as my body maintained its balance on the spherical surfaces. The stone-hard barnacles that had attached themselves to the rocks didn't help my flat-bottomed sandals either. I finally sat on a good position on a rock with minimal scrapes, and cuts.

I looked around and saw tens to hundreds of tide pools in every crack and crevice of every rock. I peered inside of one and saw a number of sea anemones and sea urchins. I could see little fish swimming around, some of them barely bigger than a fingernail.

I could hear the ocean waves lapping against the rocks, but unlike the nightmare that had just occurred, these waves were gentle, soothing even.

The blue water was crystal clear and I could see the crystal white sand through the warm waters. Little ripples formed the ocean floor, but were occasionally turned into a mini underwater sandstorm after each approaching wave.

I looked out at the horizon to see no trace of any land or ships. I was going to be stranded for a while, but the beauty of the island sure didn't hurt.

I began to make my way back to solid ground when suddenly my foot slipped from out under me. My left ankle twisted sharply to the right, trying to gain balance, but only making me hiss in pain. I was falling rapidly towards the sharp barnacle rocks when I quickly shoved my hands out in front of me to ease my fall.

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