Chapter 7

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Hey guys, sorry it's been such a long time, I've been pretty busy (my other book). That and... I WENT TO OTRA 2K15 HOLY MOTHER OF A GOAT YOU GUYS I WENT WITH JustWords_ AHHHH WE HAD SO MUCH FUN S/O TO MY AUNT THANKS FOR TAKING US. WHO WENT TO OTRA AND WHEN? BTW, the girl above is Gabriella and you'll meet her later. The actress is from an Hispanic Soap Opera called Qué Bonito Amor. OKAY ENJOY THE CHAPTER ILY SO MUCH DONT FORGET TO COMMENT IT MAKES MY DAY


We stomped through the woods for what seemed like hours. By now, my hair -which I honestly didn't even want to acknowledge at this point it was so dreadful- was thoroughly soaked and had bits and pieces of I don't even know what in it.

My clothes had become damp from the humidity of the rainforest, along with all the water droplets that had dripped on me off of the green leaves of the plants and trees that surrounded us. Sweat and body odor had started to be a problem, and because of that, I was tempted to run behind the nearest tree and at least change shirts, not caring what bugs or other little critters bit my exposed body.

However, I didn't want to risk stopping because we seemed to have found a steady pace without talking, and I definitely did not want the new subject to be the fact that I had extreme body odor and had to change clothes.

We kept walking in silence, the sounds of the bustling rainforest in the background. Although quite loud, and obnoxious at times, not loud enough to drown out the awkward silence that had fallen over us.

"So," I said, deciding to break the ice of awkwardness. "How many people live in your village?"

Daniel didn't so much as flinch as I asked, continuing his steady march in the same direction. "About 560."

"Wow. That's really... specific." I said, not only impressed with him knowing the exact number, but also by the fact that there are so many people on this island and I haven't seen anyone else besides him.

"We usually do head counts at every festival." he replied, once again not bothering to turn backwards to look at me.

"Festivals... That's cool. When do you have-"

"We're here." he interrupted.

We were on the edge of a peak, overlooking a beautiful village. There were many small mud brick houses in the small flat area, and they were all built in a large circle. In the center of the circle was a huge fire pit, with tall logs arranged in a teepee formation. Around the logs, was a circle of rocks, but unlike the rocks that surrounded our old camp, these rocks were boulders. Outside of those boulders, were giant logs; most likely used for sitting on.

Beyond the fire pit, and some of the houses, there were green luscious gardens. I couldn't make out the details of the plants from here, but I knew that there was definitely a large variety.

Walking in between the fire pit, houses and gardens were people; villagers. There were men, women, and children of all ages each doing what they could to support their small community.

Sadly, my spell of admiration was broken when Daniel began to tug on my shoulder.

"Come on. We need to get down there. I have to deliver the fish." he said sternly, obviously showing that I should follow him, and do so as quickly as possible.

"Fine." I said grudgingly, not wanting to move from the beautiful view presented in front of me.

The walk down the village was somewhat easy. It was steep, due the fact that we were going down a mountain, and I can say that I ran into Daniel and his shirtless, muscular back a few times - but who said it was an accident?

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