Chapter 19

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+small disclaimer of small violence and I guess another trigger warning possibly I think+


<Naomi's POV>

My eyes opened only to be met with darkness.

The air was sticky and thick with heat, causing sweat to gather on my brow.

I was sitting in a bamboo chair with my arms and legs tied together. My sandals were luckily still on, but I could feel the hard grit of dirt in between the surface of the sandal and my foot.

Everything seemed to be corresponding to my dream but of course more realistically.

My head throbbed, my pulse quickening as I thought of the end result of my dream and how this could possibly finish the same way.

As I sat motionless, I noticed a consistent song ringing in the distance, almost sounding like the chatter of people. What seemed to suppress that however, was my breathing.

It seemed that the more I began to focus on the individual breaths, the faster they became. My exhales, which had at first started as continuous and deep, quickly escalated to frantic and shallow one; the realization of helplessness quickly washing over me.

The bonds made of what seemed to be dried palm trees leaves started to cut into my skin as I struggled against them; my wrists already feeling sore.

Eventually, I stopped struggling, realizing it was getting me nowhere, so I decided to wait until whoever took me to come back for me.

The silence that had been present while I attempted to escape my bindings had been once again replaced by the sound of my inhaling and exhaling. My breathing was still as rapid as it was before, my exhales echoing off the invisible walls of wherever I sat.

I closed my eyes, focusing on every breath until finally they seemed to regulate again; or regulate as much they could in the situation.

After semi calming down, the first thing that came to mind was my captor(s). Who would do this? Who have I recently pissed off?

In the beginning of my arrival here, many tribe members had clearly displayed their hatred for me, but over the course of the days that I've stayed with them, most everyone had ended up being warmer towards me with each small conversation that was briefly held.

The chief popped into my mind as a possible culprit but I quickly ruled that out. If anything had been made clear towards me during my stay in the Lora tribe, it was that Chief Juan Pablo cares a lot about his children... and how I put them in danger; which I now understand. But because of his extremely cautious attitude towards me, I could tell that he couldn't have knocked out Gabby just to get to me.

I was still pondering further suspects when suddenly the creak of faraway door cut through the exterior silence.

What seemed to be the footsteps of multiple people growing louder as they moved towards me, another door shrieking as they continued through another doorway.

I felt my blood pressure rise as I debated what I should do. Should I pretend I was asleep? Should I stay awake? Are they going to kill me?

As my thoughts started to go south the door to whatever room I was being held in was opened and quickly closed with a slam; the intention obviously to wake me.

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