Chapter 1

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Dedicated to @Artemis_28 . Thanks for the support!


I woke up gasping for air.

The moonlight streamed through the port hole-shaped window and illuminated my room, slightly worsening the dull ache in my head. As I blinked away the drowsiness I thought back to my dream and how scarily real it felt. Taking deep breaths, I appreciated more than ever the oxygen flowing through my lungs.

Anxiety began to flow through me as I was reminded of the lifelike experience of my dream and weighed the likelihood of my dream coming true given that I was currently vacationing on a cruise. Thankfully, my family and I were on the way back from our voyage across the Pacific Coast, and we'd be arriving home within w couple of days.

Looking at the clock to see it was only three in the morning, I slipped out of my warm covers and headed towards the bathroom to get a drink of water to calm my nerves. After gulping it quickly down, I washed my face and pulled my messy bedhead into a bun before tiptoeing back into my bed.

I tossed and turned under the covers, the scenes from my dream still causing my heart to beat at a rapid pace. Staring up at the ceiling, I wondered if it was worth it to wake up my brother, who was currently snoring loudly. He had hit the poolside bar pretty hard yesterday, and I knew he would be in bed until at least one in the afternoon if my parents let him. Eliminating him as a possible person to confide in about my worries, my thoughts shifted to my parents.

My dad, I knew from my childhood, would be snoring just as loud, if not louder, than my brother. My mom however, was most likely sleeping peacefully through it all. As much as I wanted to hear the comforting words of my mother, I would feel bad waking her up. 

Sighing to myself, I tried counting sheep before eventually growing bored of that and going back to tossing and turning. In the middle of restlessness, the boat suddenly tilted sharply to the left. My water glass, that was previously on the nightstand next to me, crashed onto the carpet with shattered.

Fear immediately flooded throughly my veins and my mind automatically thought back to my dream. Throwing the covers off of me, I sat up and carefully ran over to the window. Outside, the night sky that had previously been sprinkled with stars was now full of clouds gathering, their dark colors painting an ominous atmosphere.

Rain began to pelt the window as the wind picked up, the sound causing a deeper fear to crawl into my heart. The waves that had earlier been peaceful and unnoticeable were now crashing violently into the side of the boat. As I looked across the horizon of the tempestuous ocean, I dawned on the realization that a storm was brewing.


Sorry this is kind of a short one, the next one should be longer.

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