Chapter 11

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It's Monday my amazing readers! And I'm so sorry this is so late I will explain with a super long authors note at the end.

enjoy the chapters and COMMENT ILY


"NAY!" I heard someone scream. "NAOMI!"

I groaned and shoved my face into my pillow, not in the mood at all for it to be morning. Then again, who ever is? "Gabby." I groaned annoyed, knowing she would be willing to deal with me and my morning grumpiness.

"You have to get up! It's the best day of the month! It's FESTIVAL DAY!" Gabby screamed and whacked me with a pillow.

"Okay, okay I'm up. What's up with festival day?" I asked her curiously while rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. The only thing that I knew about festival days were that they counted the village's population and I didn't have to go to work; which I was completely fine with.

"Well," Gabby said as she sat down on her mattress. "Festival day is the one day a month where we get to celebrate all the hard work everyone has put into the village, and to just relax and have fun for once."

"So it's like a party?" I asked.

"A giant, humongous, everyone is required to go so you couldn't get out of it even if you wanted to, party; yes!" she squealed, obviously excited.

"That sounds... Interesting. Now get out so I can change." I ordered, throwing the pillow she had previously been whacking me with back at her.

Gabby scowled at my actions but didn't comment on them. "I already picked out your outfit," she told me while shoving random articles of clothing into my arms. "We have semi matching clothes, but not as matching as usual, I had these made for you the day you came here. But after you're done changing, you'll have to let me back in so I can do your body paint."

"Body paint?" I asked her, surprised. Previously, I had seen body paint on only the Chief and Daniel; probably because they were the two most important figures in the village.

"Yep. I'll show you what designs to put where so you can do the same for me. Now hurry up and get dressed." she demanded before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

I stared down at the outfit in my hands. A grass skirt was attached to the bottom half of the outfit; per usual. This time, however, there were colorful feathers woven into the grass along with the normal beads. The top was once again a bikini looking top, yet this time lacked a halter top. Instead, the top was a somewhat thin strip of animal skin that was to be worn as a mini tube top.

As I began to undress and put on the costume, my mind wandered back to what had occurred the night before.

Cisco had kissed me on the cheek.

And I hadn't felt anything.

At least I didn't think I had.

Last night, in the shower I had run over everything in my head. The whole situation was confusing for me. I found him attractive, who wouldn't, but I don't like him like that. I like Daniel like that.

Yes, I had finally admit it to myself, but it didn't seem like it made much of a difference. Daniel's feelings seemed to be have only been platonic towards me. Of course that didn't change the way I felt about him, it just confused my mind more.

Gabby burst into the bedroom with a cup of paint and a paintbrush. Luckily I had already changed into the outfit, but that could've ended disastrously had I not been clothed. She must had read my face perfectly, probably a look of confusion and helplessness, because she immediately walked over and fixed my clothes. Turns out, I had put on the skirt backwards and tied the halter top completely wrong, which didn't really surprise me.

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