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Above is my amazing cover made by @justwords_

fully edited! - 11/20/21 lol it's been so long


The boat rocked violently, causing my body to do the same. I immediately ran towards the railings to stable myself, holding on for what seemed to be my life. Waves crashed around me ruthlessly, causing the oncoming waves of salty water to soak my slippers. Raindrops and ocean water stung my face and burned my eyes.

There was no sign of my family anywhere. I didn't remember how I had gotten to the deck or what had driven me to go there. My feet seemed glued to the wood panels, my legs not inclined to move no matter how much I willed them to. All I could do was hold on desperately, my knuckles turning white as they gripped the handrail.

I tried screaming for help, but my voice barely carried over the sound of crashing waves. The booming of thunder surrounded me, echoing in my bones; as if foreshadowing the horrors to come.

After screaming for what felt like hours, I gave up, knowing there was no use—no one was coming.

While going over all the reasons why my family shouldn't have dragged me onto this cruise ship, I neglected to notice the waves growing in size around me. What had started as somewhat larger than usual waves turned into those that seemed to be almost at the height of the deck. It wasn't until the sound of the waves slapping harshly against the boat halted that I turned around, receiving a gush of salty air.

It had seemed that all the water that was supplying the waves had been sucked away from the ship and now, swiftly gliding across the choppy waves towards El San Antonio, was a massive wave well over seventy feet tall. It took me a couple of seconds to fully process what was happening, but when I did, I immediately let go of the railing and started waving my arms to try to get anyone's attention while yelling with what was left of my voice.

Amid my panic, I momentarily forgot that I was holding on to the railing for support and fell awkwardly, as my feet were still glued to the ground. As quickly as I could, I leaned forward to get off of the wet deck and grip the pole that had previously helped me maintain balance. Realizing there was nothing more that I could do, I stood silently, awaiting my looming fate.

The crescendo of the wave pulled me out of my thoughts as the water came to be an arm's length away. Gripping the railing, I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for the impact.

I was instantly engulfed in frigid water, drenching my clothes to the extreme. Unlike what I had wanted to happen, the presence of water didn't cause my feet to magically undo from their spell. I was still as stuck as ever to the deck, and yet again there was nothing I could do about it.

The wave had seemed to sway the boat almost to the point of tipping over but miraculously we had managed to stay upright. I looked across the sea as it began to calm down. That last wave seemed to have been the worst of it, and even the wind was dying down. The sun was beginning to barely peak through the dark clouds that were suspended on the horizon, and the waves had seemed to mellow down. The boat of course was still shaking from side to side, but not as much as my body was. The freezing water seemed to send my senses into overdrive because even the slightest wisp of  remaining wind felt like I was getting doused all over again.

Suddenly, the boat lurched violently to the right and that whole side headed straight towards the water. I stood in shock as a wave even bigger than the one that had previously hit, smashed into the side of the boat, a large majority of the water making its way from port to starboard. There was nothing I could do to stop it as it crashed into me, knocking the air out of me and finally releasing me from my spot on the deck before throwing me into the surrounding water.

My whole body plunged into the water, the sound of my jump roaring in my ears temporarily before I surfaced. Looking around, I saw some miscellaneous objects that had been on the deck floating around me. Sun chairs and umbrellas littered the surrounding area, the rough waves tossing them—along with me—back and forth. As I struggled to stay above water, I heard a large 'CRACK' coming from the boat and my stomach immediately flooded with fear.

Following the loud noise came smaller sounds of the deck splitting in half before the side of the ship fell in defeat to the gravitational pull. The crash of the ship caused a shock wave to head towards me and as once again water immediately filled my lungs, I was left with the task to expel it from my mouth before drowning. As my body forced me to inhale, more and more water entered my lungs and less and less oxygen went to my brain. I began to feel as if my lungs, my brain, my whole body was ready to implode. I fought against the water as much as I could but I could feel my body getting weaker and weaker and my chest getting heavier and heavier as I sunk deeper into the black abyss.

Unwillingly, my body gave in and inhaled a large quantity of water. I fought my body to stay awake but I knew that there wasn't much left to do. Black spots were already clouding my vision, and despite my attempts to battle it, everything turned black.


How are you all liking the story?

Now to the origin, long story short, this was a short story that I had to turn in for my English class (in seventh grade). Due to my unsatisfactory ending I will be continuing it on here.

Addressing another topic, yes I know that brisa in Spanish means breeze, this story has Spanish words and phrases sprinkled throughout and as I edit it I'll be adding translations at the end.

Lastly, this is my first Wattpad book by myself. And I started this is SEVENTH grade and instead of just scrapping it college me is trying to salvage it and maybe turn it into something people would want to read.

All in all, thank you for reading, please be patient w me and I hope you guys enjoy my book!


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