Chapter 16

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Super super super SUPER sorry that this is late, but at least it's here right?



The light streamed through the window, the sun's rays hitting me directly in the face.

Scrunching up my eyes to block out the light, I rolled over and stuffed my face in the nearest pillow, more effectively surrounding myself in darkness.

"Naomi." I heard Gabby's voice say softly as she gently rubbed my back.

I groaned, annoyed at the fact that I had to wake up and leave the stress free haven of my bed.

"Gabby." I grumbled back, irritated that I was currently conscious.

Gabby shook my more violently now, trying to guarantee that I would stay awake. "You have to wake up so you can tell me all about your date with Daniel."

If I wasn't awake before, I was fully up after I heard that sentence. "Why does it matter? It's not like he cares anyway," I muttered.

Gabby must have sensed my sour mood, because she approached the subject in a smoother way. "But Nay, we barely ever get any girl time. And since I just finished working the fields, I get a day off. Please will you help me bond with you, please?" she asked, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout.

I sighed, reluctantly giving in. "Fine, there's nothing much to talk about though. He took me to a top of a waterfall, and we talked about stuff." I said non-specifically, not wanting to bring up the subject of her mom.

"That's it?" She whined, "Nothing else happened?"

I thought through the events of the cliff. "No, not really. But I did want to talk to you about something-"

"Did you guys kiss? Did Daomi come back?" Gabby asked excitedly, bouncing up and down.

I flushed and turned away, feeling the tips of my ears turning pink. "No, Gabby that did not happen." I said, embarrassed by the accusation.

"Oh," she dishearteningly. "It's okay," she reassured me, "I totally ship Cisocomi too."

For the second time in the last five minutes, I felt my cheeks go red. "Thank you?" I said but it came out more like a question. "Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about was I've had these dreams-"

"About Cisco? Or Daniel? Or both?" Gabby questioned eagerly.

I didn't even have the patience to be flustered, instead I just rolled my eyes and gave her a light shove.

"What? It was a legitimate question." Gabby defended, holding her hands up.

I sat in silence, waiting for her to promise to fully listen to everything I had to say.

"Fine, fine, I won't interrupt. Continue."

"Thank you. As I was saying, I've been having these dreams, and they're... coming true. I know it sounds kind of weird and creepy, and that's why I didn't tell you, but it has happened so many times I don't know what to do and if it means anything." I told her, scared that she would be really freaked out.

"Well, I only know of one person that can explain this." Gabby finally spoke after a pregnant pause.

My eyes widened. "Someone can explain this? Please, take me. I need to know what's happening." I begged.

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