Chapter 18

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I'll be switching POV's for this chapter so sorry if it's confusing

This isn't the answer all your questions I'm sorry but


thanks ;) <3



The small amount of moonlight that shone in through the open window, and it was just enough for me to be able to find my way over to where Gabby was sleeping.

I gently shook her arm, feeling guilty for waking her from her tranquil slumber. However, the longer I shook her, the longer she took to wake up, until I realized she wasn't waking up at all.

Beginning to grow anxious, I scanned her face worriedly and noticed a large gash on her upper right temple.

Realizing what had happened, I opened my mouth to scream for the others before a searing pain announced its presence on the back of my head and everything went black.


The noise and commotion woke me almost instantly. I could hear Daniel's frantic voice as he stood outside the door of his bedroom arguing with Papá. Their voices echoed through the hallway, probably waking up the neighbors and causing my already throbbing head more pain.

I sat up slowly, wincing as my head adjusted to my upright position. Blood rushed through my ears, feeding my headache further and causing me to for the first time take in my surroundings.

The walls of Daniel's room surrounded me with slight curiosity and panic. If I was in Daniel's bed... where was Naomi?

Suddenly the following events came back and hit me like a truck. Waking up from my light sleep to see someone enter through the window at start towards Nay. Slowly trying to get up and tackle them without them noticing. Them noticing, and then delivering a sharp blow to my head before everything went to black.

I slid as quietly as I could out of the sheets, not that it mattered due to the raucous that was caused by the voices outside.

As I made my way towards the doorframe, my previously quarreling father and brother fell quiet.

Daniel was the first to speak out of both of them.

"Gabby what are you doing? You're injured go back to bed now," he demanded with piercing eyes, most likely because of who he has just been 'conversing' with.

"¿Ah estás hablando en inglés ahora? Mira hijo, la gringa está cambiándote," Papá said gruffly, displeased about his correct prediction from the beginning. (You speak English now? Look son, the American is changing you)

"¡Basta Papá! Déjale en paz. Yo pasé más tiempo que él con ella,"
I argued, tired of his constant hatred. (Stop it dad! Leave him alone. I spent more time with her than he did)

"¡Y ella es la razón que tú estás herida niña!" The chief bellowed in response, obviously not happy with the current topic of conversation. (And she's the reason that you're hurt child!)

The room fell silent at his proclamation, neither my brother or I not knowing how to exactly respond to that.

Just as my father was about to go into a victory rant, Cisco ran down the hall and into the door frame where we had all gathered.

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