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Did that catch your attention? Good. Because sadly rn it is the (almost) truth.*

Instead of giving a long spiel I'm just gonna say I started this in seventh grade and it needs to be heavily edited so that's what I'm doing

The plot should stay pretty consistent but honestly reread the whole thing bc its been so damn long

I love all of my supporters and fans and comment-ers and I hope I will be able to seal Naomi's fate for you soon!

*So yes, there will be updates w edited versions but there will be no NEW updates but hopefully this weekend I will get serious work done so I can continue with this story and then post my fairytale one (sneak peak oops) 

Okay thank you I love you don't leave me 


<3 Krazee

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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