Chapter 13

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Happy update guys!

Enjoy the chapter ;) and comment lots!


I was shocked.

I didn't understand; the whole time I've been here he's been distant and closed off. But here he was, with warm lips on mine.

A bubble of happiness burst in my chest as realized that this was in fact real. As the feeling of shock fully subsided, I gained the confidence to lace my fingers around his neck, pulling him closer to me. His soft lips caressed my own with such passion and emotion, that I swear I felt goosebumps. His tasted of fruit, sweet like the ones I knew grew in the orchard nearby.

Almost too soon, I began to get lightheaded and had to pull back for air.

"Wow." I said breathlessly.

Daniel looked serene for a moment, but just as quickly as he had relaxed, his face immediately wore an expression of shock, as if he could not believe that he had done that either.

"I- uh I need to go." he said quickly, and ran back towards the village, leaving me alone in the forest wondering what the hell went wrong.


After making it back to the main lodge, I went straight to my room, not even bothering to greet an excited looking Gabby on the way in. Heading into the hallway, I felt Gabby grab my arm to stop me.

"Naomi? What's up? Why didn't you talk to me in the kitchen?" she asked, hurt clear in her tone.

I sighed, definitely not wanting to talk about it. "Nothing. I'm just... tired." Tired of Daniel's confusing signals.

"Aw," Gabby cooed. "That sucks. You'll get to sleep in tomorrow morning because- wait I'm getting ahead of myself, how was your and Daniel's totally-not-a-date-that-is-a-date?" she grinned, obviously excited to hear about.

"Well..." I started. "It went okay. I got him in the water." I stated, not wanting to go into the detail and get into the end of the... not date.

Gabby's jaw dropped. "No way! He actually got in the water? How? What did you do? He hasn't touched water since..." she trailed off.

"Since what?" I asked, also tired of all the vague answers I was getting.

Gabby hesitated before speaking again. "It's not really my business to tell you. All I can say is that it has to do with my mother's death and how it effected Daniel." she said grimly.

I nodded, knowing she wouldn't want to go into details. I had noticed that Gabby and Daniel had lacked a mother figure in their lives, I just never wanted to comment on it, in fear of bringing up a sensitive subject.

"But you never answered my question... How was your date? Did you guys do the dirty?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I burst into laughter, only Gabby would have the guts to say that. "No, we did not 'do the dirty'." I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Well did you at least kiss?" she asked impatiently, obviously frustrated at the lack of development in our relationship.

I flushed, embarrassed, but that embarrassment was ruled out by the sadness and disappointment that came with the memory of the kiss.

Gabby immediately read my facial expression, like she was so good at doing, and pulled me into her room. As soon as we had both sat down on our bed and she gave me a big bear hug. "I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make sure he kisses you next time." she patted my back reassuringly.

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