Chapter 3

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"Well shit. Crowded isn't enough to describe this... Hall," you sweated as you peeked at the main hall. It was too full, people were literally sandwiched there, and God forbid you stumble and fall. You will become one with the floor.

"... I- Yeah, I think we should go back..." Emma nervously laughed as she grabbed your hand.

"Agreed..." you let her lead you back as you were still not accustomed to the corridors and didn't know your way around.

Just as you turned around the corridor leading to her room, you saw the guy you were searching for fumbling with his keys as he tried to open his door. You and Emma shared a look before jogging up to the guy. He seemed to be annoyed, but upon noticing the two of you approaching him, his facial expression relaxed a little.

"Oh. It's you," his voice was calm and low. The kind of voice that was suitable to narrate stories. His whole existence screamed peace. No wonder Emma liked him.

"Hey again! I- I mean, we were looking for you actually. You see, my friend here is going through the same issue I went through before and I'm not sure what to do so..." Emma was talking with her hands, her voice was giddy and she tried her best to hold back her smile, but it was awfully obvious that she was crushing hard on the dude.

"Is that so?" the guy smirked at her before he looked over at you and nodded his head politely.

"Hello," you smiled a little as you waved your hand at him. His eyes fell to your leg before he looked at you again, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He opened the door to his room before he stepped aside and made way for the two of you.

"Come in. I'll tell you everything I know," he nodded his head at his room as he kept eye contact with the two of you. You looked over at Emma with hesitation, but she seemed to have her head in another dimension as she gawked at the guy. You sighed before muttering a small *Thank you* under your breath and went inside the room with Emma. The guy looked left and right before he closed the door, as if to make sure no one saw you go inside his room.

"Where did you get that scar from?" he gestured at your leg as soon as he closed the door, and you looked at him confused.

"Why does it matter?" you raised a suspicious eyebrow at him. Emma looked between the two of you, before looking at your leg and noticing the scar. Her eyes widened when she noticed it.

"I mean, do you remember how you got it? Like... Is it from here or from the game you went to?" he quickly explained, but you still didn't understand why did it matter.

"I got it from the game I ended up in. Why are you asking anyways?" it was your turn to ask questions now.

He shared a shocked look with Emma before he walked up to you and sat down in front of you, lowering his voice as he spoke.
"Because none of us should remember what happened when we were teleported. It seems like they forgot to wipe your memory too... You can't let them find out, pretend you don't remember. They will take you away if they find out,"

"What are you talking about? What the hell is going on anyways? Are we in a SIM or something?? I'm so tired of people dumbing information that needs more information to make sense. What. Is. Going. On?" you firmly stated as you stood up.

"Calm down, I'll tell you everything, it's just... Okay, sit down and take a deep breath. This is going to take long," he stood up, towering over you as he did a calm down sign with his hands. You sat down again and waited for him to talk.

"I am talking about the people who got us here. They refer to us as survivors, each to his or her number, but they refuse to tell us anything," he leaned back against his chair.

"They told the first Survivor everything, and then made him explain the same thing to other survivors, but how much of it is true? They say that the world ended and they used an underdeveloped method to get us away before the disaster happened. But then why are they alive and how did they get us to come back?" his eyes darkened the more he explained.

"You felt it too, didn't you? That you can't trust them... Every single person who suspected them disappeared. They take them away for *check-ups* but they never come back. They say they transferred them to another laboratory, but how?" You were livid. Your whole face was frozen in shock as your mouth was agape and your eyes were wide. 

"... I did. What? Wait... Hold on, let me process it. Why are we here then? How did they make us come back?" you tried your best not to raise your voice as you questioned.

"We are an experiment... That's why. All of us here had our phones on, or around us when they got us here. I don't know how, but I sure as hell know that we aren't here to play house," he sighed as he threw his head back, rubbing his temple.

"Damn bruh, I didn't know I was that valuable," You scoffed before you turned to Emma, who was still processing everything.

"What now? Wh-what do we do with this information? It's not like we can just leave. We have nowhere to go," Emma stuttered as the information finally settled in.

"Do you know how to fight?" he asked the two of you, and you confidently nodded your head. Emma didn't, she was hesitant.

"Why? What are we going to do?" she looked carefully at him.

"Break out. We can't stay here and wait for our turn to die. We will figure the rest once we are out," he pulled a bag from where the air vent was and opened it. It was full of guns and equipment and whatnot.

"Where the fuck did you get all these from?" you asked as the two of you knelt down in front of the bag.

"You don't seriously think I spent 4 months here doing nothing? I noticed things were odd a month after I came here. There are other people who are planning to revolute as well," he grabbed a gun and looked over it before handing it out to you.

"You know how to fight, it's clear from the way you act. You were in a shooter game, weren't you?" you looked at the gun in his hand before looking at him again. There was nothing but determination in his eyes, he was sure of his actions.

"And you don't. Why should I trust your judgement? It's been less than 24 hours since I came here, you can't expect me to just go and play fight with you like that. We don't even know your name, and why are you so sure they are bad people? where is your proof?" you momentarily looked at Emma before looking back at the dude.

"If it's proof you want. I can show you, but after that, I won't let the two of you go. You would be a danger to us,"
He started pulling his hand away, but you quickly reached out for the gun and grabbed it from him. He was taken aback by your quick reaction but said nothing regarding it. Instead, he put the bag back in its place.

"That would be your fault for trusting someone you just met. But let's go, prove yourself right and I will join you,"  you looked at Emma again, and she nodded her head in agreement.

"Alright, let's go then. My name is Noah, and you? What are your names?" he asked the two of you.

"I'm (Y/N)," you stated before looking at Emma.

"I'm Emma," she slowly said, and he nodded his head at the two of you before he opened the door and looked outside his room.

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