Chapter 24

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"Should I kick him awake? Y'know payback for hanging up on me like that?" you said to Ghost as the two of you stood in front of a passed-out Gaz. Ghost just shrugged in response.

"Do what you want," he shortly responded, and you let out a sigh. You never got on Gaz's bad side before, realistically speaking, you had the least interactions with him. So maybe it wouldn't be so great of an idea to kick him awake when you aren't that close.

"You do it," you smiled mischievously at Ghost, who stared at you blankly.

"Kick me awake, is it? Do I look like a football to you?" you looked down to see Gaz wide awake, staring back at you with his eyebrows raised.

"I wasn't going to do it. I was just messing around," you laughed nervously as he got up.

"Messing around by asking Ghost yeah? He would have dislocated my jaw if he listened to you," he scoffed as he brushed the snow off himself.

"You think that Ghost. This Ghost," you pointed your finger at him as he continued to stare blankly.
"Would do something so bizarre to his teammate. Have some faith in him," 

"I have faith in Ghost, my teammate. But Simon? He would do it if you insisted," he crossed his arms as he looked between the two of you, and you bit the inside of your cheek to hold back the smile.

"Anyways, what's the plan?" He changed the subject, not wanting to feel like a third wheel.

"Let's go back first and we will talk about it then," you smiled a little, nodding your head to the street behind you.
"Bloody hell... And I thought your whole teleportation sci-fi shit was incomprehensible. This is a whole new level. Kudos to you for wrapping your head around the concept," Gaz rubbed his temple as he breathed out, already looking like 40 years old stressed father who just lost his kid, and you chuckled at his reaction.

It was a relief to know that it was actually stressful for everyone and not just you. Or maybe you felt that way because the others didn't voice out their stress as much? But they did, you just never paid attention to the little details because you got used to them. You overlooked them. This realization hit you in the face like a brick, and you turned to look at your friends, at Emma.

She still avoided making eye contact, but it wasn't with ill-will intent. She was probably overthinking it, and you tried to imagine what it would be like if the roles were switched. Would you be mad? Maybe annoyed, and sad. But mad? Was she mad? You were the one overthinking now, and the stupid thoughts kept running around in your head, tuning out everything else.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, and you looked up to see Soap just finishing his sentence.
"...-ar?" was the only thing you managed to catch, and it made absolutely no sense.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat what you just said? I wasn't paying attention." you looked at him apologetically.

"I was talking about our next step. Ross said you escaped using hidden tunnels in the facility. We could use them to our advantage if they haven't been figured out yet, but we will need someone to go in to confirm," you looked at him puzzled. Go in to confirm? As in bait?

"Ross is goi-"

"Absolutely not." you quickly cut him off.
"Ross, respectfully, and I mean this with all the respect I could muster. You are shit at playing the victim, you will throw hands before you even reach the damn area," you heard Layla snicker as she put her hand over her mouth.

"I think we all agree on that," she added.

"Bruh, who else then? Surely not your weak ass, you literally just got burned like a chicken. They will blow wind at you and you would turn into ashes," he scoffed at you.

"Ex-fucking-cuse me? Do you want a taste of my fist or something?" you placed an offended hand on your chest as you looked at him in disbelief.

"I just saved your ass not even an hour ago and you have the audacity to call me weak? Bitch be for real," you started poking his arm aggressively with each word you spoke out.

"Neither of you is going. I will, and I'm not hearing any of you either. You have done enough to bring us this far, this is the least I could do in return," Layla stepped in, pulling you two apart. And you looked at her dumbfounded.


"I do know how to fight. I just rather not, but that doesn't mean I won't," she quickly cut off Ross before he started complaining again.
"Nah, I can't agree to that," a couple of yeah's flew around, and Layla scoffed.

"Doesn't matter if you agree or not. Last I checked, you didn't even bother telling us the truth and just dragged us around. We aren't your kids Ross, and we aren't your responsibility either. Stop treating us as such," Ross opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out so he just sucked in a sharp breath and closed his eyes.

"You know what? Okay, fine. Sure. But if they even come close to touching a hair on your head the same way they did to the others... Don't blame yourself for the hell that will come after,"  he sneered and stepped back as he turned to face Soap.

"So it's decided then. Layla will fake turn in herself and check the situation inside. We will split into little groups and infiltrate the facility from different areas at once to confuse them, and to make it easier to overwhelm them. They aren't expecting us," he pointed at Ghost, Gaz, and himself.
"So let's make the best out of it,"


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