Chapter 22

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"Hey... How are you feeling?" you asked Emma as you sat down next to her since she was already awake when you reached the group. Ross had taken Layla and Noah to talk privately so it was just the three of you.

"Been better," she replied coldly, and you looked at her confused. But she just avoided eye contact. You pondered over whether you should ask what was wrong or just leave her to rest for now.

"That's true I guess," you muttered before turning to Soap, who just shrugged.

"Do you have any plans for reaching the lab? What after? You going to destroy it before coming back to our world or?" he shot one question after another, and you stayed silent.

You barely made it out alive, and it's not just your life you would be risking if you go back. You were relying on Ross's plan to work, but now that's out of the window. All of this was very frustrating. Feeling helpless and hopeless. Wanting to give up.

"I have absolutely no fucking idea," you finally let out, feeling more and more annoyed.

"I mean... What the fuck is all this? Nothing makes sense and nothing feels real. It just feels like a long dream. How can I think of anything when this is our situation? Even when I try, there is still that part at the very end of my mind telling me to just give up," you gulped and looked down, feeling awful for dumping everything on Soap when he just got here.

"Sorry," you quickly apologized.

"Don't be. I have only been here for like an hour and I already feel like shit, it's understandable for you who teleported twice. Try not to think of anything for now. Go call Simon, get the team here, and let's figure it out," he smiled while reassuringly patting your back.

Emma was just there, looking between the two of you and listening to the conversation. She didn't say a word or show any kind of reaction, and you wondered if Noah said something to her to upset her. But now wasn't the right time to ask, so you decided to get her somewhere private later to talk about it.
"Simon..." you let out a shaky breath as the skull-masked guy stood a few feet ahead of you. He looked at you, and despite the mask, you could still see the shocked reaction in his eyes.

You quickly ran up to him, tightly wrapping your arms around his torso. Terrified that if you let go, he will just disappear. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, hugging you even tighter as you felt his mask against the top of your head.

"Holy shit... It worked," you felt your eyes getting teary as his scent made its way to your nose.

It really is him.

"There you are.,." was all he said as he continued to hug you tightly. You tilted your head to get a clear view of him, but the tears that poured down your face like a river prevented you from getting that, and the frog in your throat made it difficult to form words.

"IADMDISSEDGOU!" You wept incoherently, it felt as if he was the only real thing in this whole mess... And Soap.

Simon brought a hand to your face, running his thumb over your cheeks and wiping away your tears.

"I missed you too Squirrel," he lifted his mask over his lips and kissed your cheek.

There weren't many people walking around that street, and so you took your time hugging the life out of Ghost, still not believing that you got to hold him again.
"Ghost!" Soap exclaimed once he saw Simon walking beside you. The others were surrounding him, and it seemed like he was telling them some story with the way they were looking at him intently. They quickly darted their head toward you, and then to Simon.

Ross was even more shocked than when he met Soap, and you gave him a little smile as you stood between him and Emma while Soap briefed Ghost on the situation.

"So... You dating Ghost, eh?" Ross wiggled his eyebrow and smirked as he looked at you.

"Who told you that?... nevermind, I know who," you glared at Soap, 200% sure that he was the one who told them.

"Why didn't you say anything? First the truth about our universe and now this? Do you even trust us?" Emma snapped, hurt visible on her face.

"I was going to, I just didn't find the right time," you confessed, and she just rolled her eyes.

"It always was the right time (Y/N), you know it was. I never thought you would be this selfish." she looked at you again, and you didn't say anything for a while.

"I didn't say anything about our universe because I didn't want to crush your hope, and I didn't think my relationship was something to discuss when we were fighting for our lives 24/7. It's not that I don't trust you, but I did what I thought was right. Not for me, but for you," you looked at her coldly, disappointed by the fact that she thought so lowly of you. 

You looked at Ghost and Soap chatting away and felt your face relax as a kind of warmth made its way to your heart. They felt like home. Even when you were in the middle of an unknown place, physically lost. You felt safe somehow.

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