Chapter 42

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The hallway was empty, but you could hear the voices coming from the rooms, people talking and laughing, some are even arguing, probably about poker games or whatever. You couldn't help but wonder about everything that happened as you took a turn to your room. It was baffling and unreal, and sometimes it made you wish you could just disappear into your head for a while.

If it wasn't for the blood covering you and the burning pain coming from your cuts, you would have convinced yourself that it was all a horrible nightmare and believed it. Was this right? What if... What if your being here causes a problem in this world and ends it? What if-

"Earth to Squirrel! Hellooooo," a tan hand was waving in front of your face, and you leaned back as you looked at Gaz, who looked worriedly over you.

"Did you break?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm alright. How's Ghost?" You pushed your thoughts back as you reassured him. Drifting the conversation to Simon.

"His condition is stable now, but you know... Since his arm is gone. He will be on sedation for 3 days, until they figure out what to do," You looked at him confused.

"What's there to do?" you asked.

"Well, they are planning to give him an artificial arm, but since he's out of it and he has no family members who are known to be alive, it's a little difficult to go through with the procedure," he explained.

"Can't Captain Price sign it? I mean he's our leader and everything,"

"Our leader. Not our guardian. You can sign it though, aren't you his lover?" you felt your heart clench at the question, and you looked at the floor in dismay.

"I wouldn't say that. At least not anymore,"

"You don't know tha-"

"He tried to kill me, and then he lost his arm because of me. I am probably the last person he would want near, let alone a guardian over him," you inhaled sharply, averting your gaze when you realized you took your anger out on him.

Gaz stood there for a while, seemingly lost in thought before he spoke again.

"Don't let your guilt prevent you from doing the right thing. As far as this universe knows, you are still lovers here. You can fight after he wakes up, but believe me when I say. No one would want to live out the rest of their days with only one hand," and with that, he turned around and left. Leaving you there to agonize over what he had just said.

If you were in Simon's position, you would have wanted him to sign it even if you hated his guts. You let out a sigh before you entered your room and went straight to the bathroom for a long shower, hoping that the hot water will wash away everything and every thought.


Knock... Knock... Knock...

You looked at the clock, wondering who on their right mind would knock at this hour. Certainly not Price.

You kept the towel over your head as you went to open the door. Layla stood there, looking more awkward than you had ever seen her before.

"Oh thank God you opened. I knocked on five wrong doors before yours," She let out a big sigh of relief once she saw you, and you smiled a little before you stepped aside to let her in.

"It must be important for you to knock on five wrong doors before finding me. What's wrong?" you closed the door once she was in and went to sit next to her on the bed.

"Nothing. I wanted to see if you were alright since you weren't here when I came with Ross. We were worried you got left behind, but I couldn't go back. I didn't know how," She looked over you, her brown eyes had dark circles around them from the lack of sleep.

"You took long, so I went to look for you and ended up getting into a fight with some dude. It was all shit but we are here now so..." you both looked at your laps.

"Let's forget it. Start over. Because as much as I try to wrap my head around it, it doesn't feel real. It felt like a vivid dream now that we are here in safety," you kept your eyes glued to your lap, not sure whether or not you should tell her about Emma. Is it worth it? Is it even right?

"Ross is being hospitalized. He was barely able to stand when I found him because of the amount of drugs they gave him. They said it will take a week or so before he can properly stand again," You looked at her through your peripheral vision, she was still looking at her lap, but her eyes were glassy with tears.

"It's Ross. He will be fine, and you will be fine too. Maybe we should go see a therapist or something," you joked, even when you fully knew that if you ever told anyone about this little adventure, you would be sent to the lunatics' hospital.

"They will need a therapist for being our therapist," she laughed before she stood up.

"I am glad that you are here. I was worried that you would betray us too. I even suspected Ross. It felt weird and awful because that kind of betrayal meant death for us. I couldn't imagine what it was like to actually go through with killing someone who you considered a friend," She paused for a long while.

"I think you should go see your lover, and talk it through," She gave you a little smile before she left the room, and you just looked after her as the door closed.

The truth is. You did want to go, you were over your head with worry, but you didn't know what to even say.
"Oh heyy Simon I'm sorry about your arm. Here is a fake one to make myself feel better and make you feel like a transformer,"

"So sorry about your arm but this is what you get for trying to hit me you son of a bitch," maybe you were a little angry about it. Just maybe.

"You know how you asked me to stay here one thousand years ago? Yeah? Well. I'm your only *family* so congratulations on the artificial arm. Hope it's to your liking," he would definitely swing that piece of metal at your head.

"God help me ahhHHHH!" You screamed into your pillow, feeling more frustrated than ever. Your brain was doing anything and everything except being serious about it. Maybe you should ask Price or Soap or Gaz to come with you. They would definitely be more serious and less scared.

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