Chapter 32(Corridor)

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While the corridor was risky, it was also your best chance to get a weapon. Since there was absolutely no way to get out of here without fighting at all. You still needed to find Soap and Ghost as well, and your hunch was that the fighting definitely included them.

And so, you peeked through the door as slowly as you could to make sure that no one would see you. The shouts were coming from further down the corridor, you could see the soldiers' backs at the very end of the corridor as they hid behind the wall, covering themselves from the fire that was coming from the left side.

You had to find a way around to them, or at least get a weapon. You thought about making your way through the rooms instead, but you would still be visible on security cameras.

"Maybe I should just go YOLO and risk it all? I'm screwed either way..."

You waited for the soldiers to go into the left corridor before attempting to leave the room. However, as soon as you set foot outside, a strong force pushed you back inside before the door was closed once again.

Soap leaned against the closed door, panting heavily as he held his wounded shoulder. His assault rifle was pointed at you. 

"Oh God... What happened to yo-"

"DON'T MOVE A DAMN MUSCLE" he shot a threatening bullet near your feet as you stood there stunned.

"What the hell???" there was no way he was under their control, he wouldn't speak if that was the case.

"You better start explaining yourself. I might give you a chance, but Ghost wouldn't," he said firmly as he slowly made his way to you, his assault rifle still pointed at you.
"And keep your hands where I can see them. I'm not taking any chances,"

"????" you did as you were told, unsure if this was a joke or if he was serious.


"What are you talking about? Explain what????" panic started to settle in as the gravity of the situation started to hit.

"You shot me. You tried to kill Ghost. You threw us here, didn't you? Why?" he was glaring at you as he spoke harshly. But you didn't know what to say, you had no recollection of doing any of that after all.

You were already struggling with the first drug, the second one completely took over and you couldn't remember a single thing.

"I- I didn't. I would never. Not to you, not to Simon. I swear," You tried to kill Ghost?

"So you are going to deny what I saw with my own eyes? We really made a mistake by trusting you," huh? 

"Are you serious...?" you slowly turned to face him, unable to believe that Soap would say that. Soap out of everyone.

"I wanted to hear things from your side. But it seems that you won't say anything. We are done here," he quickly grabbed your hands and tied them once again, this time tighter than before.

"That's because I was fucking drugged. Do you think I would do this to you or to Ghost or to anyone whom I care about? Really MacTavish? If I wanted to throw you away I would have done that way long before. I had enough chances." you felt your voice waver as your heart started hurting.

"You shot me,"

"I didn't kill you. I was barely controlling my body. I could have killed you if I didn't try and fight it," you pointed out.

Soap let out a sigh, he knew something was off about you and Ross, but he didn't want to risk letting you act freely. If whatever controlled you gained back its control, he would be a goner.

"How do I know for sure you won't just switch on me?" he stopped tugging at the rope as he softly asked.

"The drug isn't permanent. It wears off, as long as I'm not drugged again, I would never stab you in the back. I'm sorry for hurting you, I swear I couldn't control myself,"

There was a long pause as Soap pondered over what to do, and you couldn't exactly blame him. You wouldn't know what to do either if you were in his shoes. Still, the fact that he completely just threw away all the trust hurt you so bad. You told yourself that maybe because he went through this kind of betrayal at some point in his life?

"Aye, you only get a knife and walk either beside me or in front of me. Never behind me. Got it?" you nodded your head at his request as he cut the rope loose, setting you free. You could see there was still some doubt clouding his demeanour as he handed you the knife.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down,"

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