Chapter 28

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AN: I apologize for the lack of updates. My dad was in the hospital, and it kind of messed up with my thoughts and I lost the idea of the book 🙃 so this book may end up being discontinued.

"It's close... Let's park somewhere they won't see us," you said as you placed your hand on Soap's shoulder.

The old warehouse you visited was visible now, but unlike before, there were "no entry" signs and whatnot. The car you used to escape was still where you left it, but someone clearly flipped it inside out searching for anything that might have led to you.

"That's the car we used to escape," you nodded your head to the car as you spoke.

"The facility must be close then," Ghost muttered before looking at you over his shoulder. You leaned back in your seat, letting yourself sink in as you let out a long sigh and closed your eyes. You really didn't know what to do anymore. It felt as if your brain stopped working and is still stuck on the moment you woke up here.

"I feel as if I'm missing something, but I don't know what," you mumbled under your breath as you rubbed your temple.

"I thought you got your memories back? Did you lose em again?" Soap joked and you stared at him for a while without replying.

"... No Johnny, I didn't," you responded sarcastically.
"Anyways, should we wait for Gaz and the others or get moving?" you quickly changed the subject.

"It'd be better if we move now," it was Emma who suggested this time, and you were taken aback by her response. If anything, you thought she would definitely choose to stay and wait. You turned to face the two guys sitting in the front, and they gave each other a look before looking back at you.

"...I agree. If their main focus is the incident, now is our best chance at getting inside without getting spotted. Don't forget that we aren't really armed either, we won't be able to put up much of a fight if they manage to get that thing under control," Ghost stated, and Soap nodded in agreement.

"... Okay, let's hope the way is still open." you slowly nodded your head understandingly, remembering that the shutter sealing the way in and out was destroyed by Emma when she drove past it to get you out.

"Do you remember the interior of the building?" Ghost asked, and you shrugged in response. You only stayed there for like 6 days after all.

"I do, I can draw it for you, but I need a pen and a paper," Emma chimed, and you quickly turned to look at her. She gave you a small nod in return.

Ghost managed to find a paper and a pen in the glovebox of the car, and handed it to Emma. She quickly took the paper and started drawing the inside of the building.

But something was off, and you didn't know what.

"So the room I woke up in was here," Emma said as she placed the paper in the middle of the car and pointed somewhere on the map.

"I'm not sure about (y/n) since they apparently store us in different rooms like some frozen chicken or something, but I'm guessing that all the rooms in this section were used for storing," she pointed at an entire hallway that you vaguely remember walking through, it was true that it was full of doors.

Soap laughed at the frozen chicken statement and decided to make his own.
"Frozen Squirrel eh?" he snorted and you glared at him before kicking his seat.

"I would still look better than a frozen Soap... Or not," you mumbled the last part to yourself.

"Soap is already hard, you know what I mean? Squirrels are usually soft and shit, you'd look goofy all frozen up," everyone in the car was looking at Soap now.

"That first line sounded so wrong," Emma pointed out, and you bit the inside of your mouth to hold back the laugh that was forming in your throat. Soap's eyes widened as realization washed over his face, and you took the chance to retaliate.

"You look hella goofy right now," you said in a singing tone, which made Emma cackle. Soap cleared his throat and tried to change the subject.

"So we enter from here? What are we waiting for? Let's go," he quickly opened the door and exited the car, which made you laugh even harder. Ghost just shook his head and sighed before exiting the car himself. You wiped away the tear that was forming around the corner of your eyes before grabbing the paper and leaving the car, motioning for Emma to do the same.

"Gaz and the others are taking a longer route around the area to avoid that thing. It will take them a few hours before they reach us," Ghost said as he turned his screen off, and you assumed he was talking with Gaz.

"How are they doing?" you asked as you stood next to him.

"Good. Now let's get moving," he nodded at all of you before taking the lead and walking ahead, you quickly follow knowing that he basically jogs when he walks and he will be out of sight in less than a minute if you let him out of your sight.

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